Chapter 3

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It has been a few days ever since I found Harry in the midst of the forest, beaten up by his very own 'friends'. I have not seen any of them since, for I have basically locked myself away in my bedroom for the past few days, not feeling the need to socialize.

I am currently walking through the village and this is a quiet day as any other. There is a cold breeze and I wrap my arms around myself as I walk, trying to warm up a little. I politely smile and greet the few people that are outside, quietly working in their gardens. There are not many people outside at the moment. And most of them have their blinds shut as well. None of them really care about what happens outside of their cozy homes, as long as it doesn't involve them.

I slow my pace when I near an alleyway, hearing Brett's voice, which I've grown to hate.

I come to a halt and carefully peek around the corner, silently praying that he isn't going to see me. My heart is racing in my chest when I see Brett, Harry and Mark stand around a very young looking boy. My guess is that he is around eight, nine or maybe ten years old.

"What are you gonna do now, huh?" I hear Brett ask as he shoves the boy backwards.

I feel a sudden sadness wash over me as the little boy reminds me so much of myself. I have been in that exact same situation numerous times and it hurts and infuriates me to see it happen to someone else.

I bite my tongue, feeling the need to step up and help, remembering how many time I had wished myself that there was someone who would help me. I want to scream and I want to hurt them, the same way that they are constantly hurting others. But instead, I quietly stay hidden from view, too afraid and feeling as if I can't do much to help. I could never even stand up for myself, so then how could I help another? I am starting to feel both enraged and disappointed with myself for being so weak and for being so afraid of them.

I continue to watch and I frown when I see Harry push the boy against the brick wall behind him, hard. The kid whimpers in pain and starts sniveling. I struggle to remain still on my spot. Seeing people treat others this way hurts me and I will never understand how some people can be that cruel.

Anger surges throughout my whole body when I see Harry punch the kid in the stomach, twice. They then take a few steps back, proudly looking down at the harm they've done to the now crying, little boy, who has fallen onto the ground. He clutches his stomach in pain as he continues to sob louder and louder.

The boy's laugh for a bit and walk away from the crying child. Brett looks down at the kid one last time with a look of complete and utter disgust, before he too, turns around the corner and disappears from view. Once the coast is clear, I sprint towards the kid, squatting down in front of him.

"Hey.." I keep my voice down as I speak, "it's going to be alright."

Carefully, I place a hand on his shoulder and help him up from the ground. He looks at me, tears staining his entire face, his eyes red and puffy from all the crying. It is heart breaking. I give him a friendly smile and before I can even think of anything to say, he engulfs me in a hug, sobbing loudly. I'm taken by surprise, but wrap my arms around his small figure as I try to comfort him and calm him down to the best of my abilities.

"It's okay." I whisper softly, trying hard to fight my own tears as well. "Let it all out. Cry or scream if you have to, just let it all out."

The boy lets out a cry, very similar to that of a scream, before he's starting to quiet down and I release him. "That's it." I gently remove his hair from out of his face, smiling, "do you live around here?"

"Y- yes." He stammers, sounding terrified. He frantically looks around, fear visible in his eyes.

I give him a reassuring smile, knowing exactly what he's so afraid of, "don't be afraid, I'll walk you home."

His eyes seem to light up a little and I stretch out my hand. He places his hand in mine and gives me the directions to his home, which is fortunately for the both of us, not far from here. Because if I'm all honest, I wouldn't know what to do if we were to run into Brett and his mates. My heart is pounding loudly in my chest while we walk, my throat dry from fear. Every corner we turn, I expect Brett and his friends to corner us.

"It's right there!" The kid points to a house in the near distance. He lets go of my hand and turns to me, "thank you."

I give him a smile, "It's okay. Now hurry, go home."

A bright smile is plastered onto his face as he runs towards the house, ringing the doorbell.

"Mommy!" The kid jumps up and embraces the woman who opens the door immediately upon seeing her, who I assume is his mother.

I turn around with a smile on my face, happy and relieved that the boy is now safe at home, and out of Brett's reach. I quicken my pace as I walk down the quiet part of the village, wanting to get home as fast as I can, preferably without running into Brett.

I squint my eyes in suspicion when I see Harry walking somewhere in front of me, wandering into yet another alleyway. I decide to follow after him and peek around the corner, seeing that he is indeed alone, which gives me a small amount of courage.

"How could you?" I walk into the alleyway and come to a stop behind him.

He stops and turns around to face me and for a split second his eyes shift to mine, then he looks away.

"How could you do that to a little boy?" I raise my voice a bit, "especially when you know what it's like to be beaten up and be helpless!"

He starts to look around as if he's afraid that someone might hear us. The realization that Brett and Mark might still be near here, not bothering me anymore at all. Right now, I am too upset and angry to care.

"Why would you care about what we're doing? It is none of your business."

"Because," I start, beginning to feel frustrated, "you hurt others. You do to others, what they do to you!" I shout, referring to Brett and his other 'friends'.

"Stay out of it." He turns his back to me, proceeding to walk away

"You're a coward." I mumble after him, but just loud enough for him to hear.

He stops for only a second, giving away that he has heard me, before continuing on his way. He turns the corner and I let out a scream of frustration as soon as he's out of sight and hopefully, out of earshot as well.

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