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i remember the time, I was eating lunch with her and we were talking about the popular kids in our school I joked around with her asking if she would rather be there with them, knowing she would rather be by herself because she was asocial like me,but sometimes, i worried about her when she would never go out of the house only when forced to go to school and she would only talk to me

"don't you feel tired of living in your own little world " I said

"don't you feel powerless living in other people's world's "she whispered

and in that moment i knew i was screwed because in that moment i fell in love, ive never connected with someone so deeply, but little did i know those were lies, you were using me, i was a game, a bet, and you won, i hope your happy with your 100 dollars.

with the sun between his teeth | shortstory √ Where stories live. Discover now