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i admire your resilience, i admire how youre still able to pick the broken shards of your former self from the bloodied floors and rebuild again from scratch how are you still doing it? how did you break free from the cages that were my ribs? how are you still moving?able to keep on beating ?although irregularly but beating nonetheless. most of all i admire your courage, you still take chances, plunging down the pits of uncertainties, not sure whether you could take another fall but you still dared to try anyway. i wish you didn't take that fall, because now i feel empty and void like the chasm you landed into. i had a taste of being in love was and its most addictive thing in the universe because once you taste it you can never stop coming back for more. i wish you would stop running, stop beating because you know deep down you can't take it any more and this time when you fall there won't be a hard floor waiting for you, only


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