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family, family, family ,family

i can keep saying that but not know the true meaning, what is a family? a family are people living together who share the same blood, but that's where it ends right? because you guys never acted like a family to me, she was more loving to me ,she cared, she understood, even though she still broke me,at least she was there unlike you people . i don't think i can go on thinking you guys even cared for me for when you saw the hurricane i became you just took a glance and walked away. you people always said i didn't do any thing, that i was a waste of space and money well you people are wrong i do so much, i fake smiles, i hide my problems from you to avoid you getting stressed. i cover my scars. i don't talk to so that you don't have to put up with me, and ipretended to be mentally stable. yet you don't do anything for me, why, am i that horrible?, why am i that deformed?, why am i that broken?, please answer me i want to change,i need to know so I can change .i am already broken, but now you people, my "so called family" are turning me into dust.

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