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you always used to tease me about being quiet but now that you left me, im no longer capable of talking. one of the risks of being silent is that no one will know when your on your last point and other people fill your silence with their own interpretation, your bored, your depressed, your shy, your stuck up, youre judgemental, - when people can't read us they create their own story - not always one we choose, or that is true to who we really are. i wonder what would have happened if I spoke up, if I talked about how much you hurt me when you called me worthless while we were together, what would have happened? would you have stopped?

or would you increase the bloodied spears piercing through the moons within me.

with the sun between his teeth | shortstory √ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें