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people tear off your skin then devour what's inside of you, the sweetness and the purity gone, only left with the bitterness that now shrouds your beautiful yellow skin. shouldn't you be angry? How could you be so calm when all people tend to do with you is use then dump, you should loathe people, their existence, everything about them.  then i realise you can't be angry because being angry is like drinking poison and expecting another person to die, im sure your still holding on to that glimmer of hope, that tiny crack, a rare special person that will use you, then not just throw you away like trash, but use you to form another life .you are my hero for you found that someone in her. so as she's holding you with her soft delicate hands.

tell her she is missed.

with the sun between his teeth | shortstory √ Where stories live. Discover now