What Flies Beneath

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

It's night time at Berk and everyone is fast asleep. Everything is peaceful...until a yak suddenly falls underground, followed by several sheeps. Suddenly cracks start to appear on the ground.

Everybody has a past, even dragons. And sometimes, the past can come back to haunt them.

Toothless suddenly wakes up from his sleep as he senses a familiar presence.

'He's back!'

His pupils turn into slits as he growls at the ground, waking Hiccup in the process. "Ugh, Toothless, go back to sleep." Hiccup said, tired and annoyed, before he went back to sleep. Toothless continued to stare at the ground.

In Hiccas' room, Midnight sensed the same thing as she woke up. Instead of feeling agitated like her mate was, she was rather worried. Being careful not to wake her rider, Midnight flew out the window and went to the window at Hiccups' room, knowing her mate would be awake. Toothless saw his mate outside and, knowing what she was here for, climbed out of the window and onto the roof where Midnight joined him. The two Night Furies then started having their own conversation.

'Did you sense him to?' Toothless asked his mate.

'I did. But Toothless, listen to me, you can't go after him again.' Midnight pleaded.

'Are you kidding me?! After what he did he had the audacity to even show his face! I will be ending this once and for all.' Toothless growled.

'That's what I'm afraid of.'

And when it does, you're gonna need to be there for them.

The next morning, Hiccup, Hicca, Midnight and Toothless go outside to see the villagers gathered around the plaza looking at something. When they got closer to join their dad and Gobber, they saw a large hole made on the ground. Some of the Vikings were talking to one another, wondering how a hole that big was made overnight. Toothless got closer to the hole and started growling angrily at it for some reason, while Midnight shrunk back from the hole. Hicca and Hiccup noticed their dragons' behaviours.

"Midnight, what's wrong girl? Are you okay?" Hicca asked worriedly.

"Whoa, hey! Come on, why are you growling at it it's just a hole, bud." Hiccup said, while pulling his dragon back.

"It's not just a hole!" A voice called out from inside the hole "It's like an underground village!" Hiccup, Hicca, Stoick and Gobber looked down and saw Bucket in the bottom of the hole, revealing it to be a tunnel.

Hearing his friends' voice, Mulch immediately went to the hole. "Bucket! There you are. I've been lookin' for you all night!"

"Sorry, Mulch. But I think I finally found it: My happy place!" Bucket said happily.

He spoke too soon as something in the passage of the tunnel sped in and made the unfortunate farmer/fisherman fly right out of the hole!

Stoick, Gobber and Mulch ran to Bucket as he crashed to the ground.

"Are you alright, Bucket?" The chief asked.

"I don't feel happy anymore." Bucket said sadly.

"What happened?"

"Something pushed me out! There's something down there. Something big and scary!"

That got the villagers worried.

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