How To Start A Dragon Academy

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Disclaimer: I do not own How to train your dragon or the franchise

This is Berk. For generations, it was Viking against dragon. The battles were ferocious... then one day, everything changed.

Berk was village that was constantly raided by dragons. In this village, killing dragons was everything. Now everything has change. There was new found peace between the two. And this is all thanks to a boy, a girl and their dragons.

Hicca and I met Midnight and Toothless, and together we've shown people here that instead of fighting dragons we can ride them... live with them, even train them.

On top of one of the sea stack were six riders Astrid, Raeda, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut along with their dragons Stormfly, Sparkfire, Meatlug, Hookfang, Barf and Belch. They were joined by two more riders and their dragons.

"Okay. Another best trick competition. Who's up first?" Hiccup said as he, Toothless, Hicca and Midnight landed.

Fishlegs was about to speak up when Snotlout cut him off.

"Me!" He said pointing to himself.

"Actually, I think it's-"

"Me! I'm going first"

This annoyed Astrid greatly "Sweet baby Thor in a thunderstorm, JUST GO ALREADY!" She yelled.

Unfazed by this, Snotlout gave a smirk and started to brag "Oh, don't worry, we'll go alright. And when we go, Hookfang and I are gonna light the sky on-" Hookfang, who was getting impatient, took off without waiting for his rider to finish "-FIRE! Oh, no!" Snotlout yelled as Hookfang started performing daring stunts.

"I'm liking this trick." Raeda said, smiling.

"I'm liking Hookfang." Hicca said as she enjoyed the performance.

Hookfang and Snotlout then rejoined the others "I'm alive...? I'm alive!" Snotlout said with relief but as soon as he saw the others looking at him, he quickly regained his composure. "Of course I am. Because I'm awesome."

"It's my turn! Ready, Meatlug? Let's go girl!" Fishlegs and Meatlugs' trick however was a bit too simply. They just flew around in a circle before landing. Fishlegs didn't seem bothered by this. "Yes, new personal best!" He said as Meatlug licked him happily.

"My turn!" Ruffnut said.

"No, my turn!" Tuffnut argued, starting yet another Thorston argument.

"You tell them this time, bro." Hicca said to Hiccup.

"Guys, same dragon, remember." Hiccup said, before the Thorston twins got in another argument.

"Oh, right." They then took off with their dragon, Barf and Belch, but a few seconds later they started another argument.

"Go left!"

"No, right!"

"N-no, right!"

"No, left!"

After narrowly missing a nearby sea stack, Barf and Belch decided to take control of the flying and threw their riders high into the air, much to the riders delight ", NO! WHOA! THIS IS AWESOME AND SCARY AT THE SAME TIME! I LOVE IT! AAAH!" Tuffnut shouted in mid-air.

Their dragon caught them and took them back to the others.

"We nearly died!" Ruffnut said.

"Yeah, I know... Let's go again!" Tuffnut asked getting excited again.

The Haddock Twins: Riders of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now