Portrait of Hiccup and Hicca

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon or it's franchise

Measuring up to a Viking father isn't easy. Especially when that Viking father is also the Chief of your village. So, when you get a chance to prove yourself, you jump on it.

The Great Hall was completely empty except for four people; Stoick, Hiccup, Hicca and Bucket. Bucket was painting a shield portrait of the Haddock family to be hung on the wall. Stoick was holding a sword while Hiccup held a shield. Hicca, on the other hand, didn't hold any weapon since she didn't feel it was necessary as a future healer.

"Shoulder's back, chin up, son!" Stoick said to Hiccup, who did as told. "This portrait's gonna hang in this hall forever."

Bucket seemed to be a bit troubled with the task. He walked towards the Haddock family to brush some dirt off them, but he became increasingly frustrated "No good, no good, no good... I CAN'T DO THIS!" Panicking he ran and hit his bucket covered head to a nearby post. "Okay, I'm good." He said, now calm.

"I've never seen Bucket like this." Hiccup whispered.

"Me neither." Hicca whispered.

"Well, when he lost half his brain he suddenly became... an artist." Stoick explained as Bucket blew some paint from the palm of his hand to the shield.

"So, Bucket can actually paint?" Hiccup asked dubiously.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask Raeda to paint our portrait." Hicca said.

Admittedly, Stoick had considered asking the young Henderson girl to paint their portrait after seeing some of her work, but this was a very special occasion for them and he wanted someone with more experience for it. "Oh, he's the best! He's gonna do us proud, kids. This portrait is gonna take its place along all the other Chiefs and their children." He then gestured to the very last portrait in the line. "That is the only picture of my father and me. It was a great day." He looked at his children, who were looking at his portrait. "And so is this!" The three of them then looked in front so that Bucket could continue painting them. "Chest out, son!"

Hiccup tried to do that and failed. "Yeah, this is as out as it goes, Dad." He said while his sister rolled her eyes.

"Ah. Very well, then." The chief said.

That night, after dinner, the Viking teens were looking at all the portraits lined up on the wall.

"Look at all these great leaders. And tomorrow, your picture's going to be hanging right next to them!" Astrid said to the Haddock twins.

"There goes the neighbourhood." Snotlout snorted.

"This is such a significant moment. You two are part of an elite group now, my friends. And two of the few who wasn't killed by their successor." Fishlegs stated.

"So far." Tuffnut commented, while his sister while his sister snickered.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Raeda asked threateningly as she turned towards the male Thorston, daring him to repeat that sentence.

"Nothing." The Thorston twins said in unison, clearly frightened.

"Yeah, you're right. I mean, it's like... being a part of history, right?" Hiccup said.

"Uh, hello? Three hundred year war between vikings and dragon over? We're already part of history." Hicca pointed out.

"That is true. I think that this moment would have been even better if I could have made that portrait." Raeda said, after giving a warning glare to Tuffnut and Ruffnut. Hicca gave her best human friend a sympathetic look.

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