When Lightning Strikes

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Living with dragons has its' ups...

A Deadly Nadder flew around the village of Berk and decided to rest on one of the roofs of the house. Unfortunately for the Nadder, the roof collapse and fell under the dragons' weight. A Gronckle, who saw what happened from another rooftop, experienced the same thing a second later.

...and its' downs. You need to stay calm. Keep a clear head. Not always easy with Vikings.

Aware of the problem, Hiccup and Hicca devised a solution; perches. They consulted their idea with Gobber in the forge.

"More supports?" Hiccup suggested, showing their mentor their idea.

"Eh, well, they are dragons." Gobber said.

In our own way, we're very reasonable.

Over the next few days, the Vikings worked together to build the new perches. The day came when they were finished and after setting it up, Astrid volunteered herself and Stormfly to test out the perches.

Astrid flew Stormfly above the perch and tried to convince the nervous blue Nadder to stand on it.

'Why did you volunteer us for this?' Stormfly squawked.

"It's okay, girl. Just take it easy." Stormfly stood on the perch and thankfully, it stayed intact.

"Yes! It works!" Hiccup shouted in triumph.

"Alright!" Hicca exclaimed.

"Way to go!" Gobber yelled.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Snotlout yelled.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut, however, weren't too happy by this.

"So we built these things so stuff wouldn't break?" Tuffnut asked, disappointed.

"I don't understand you people." Ruffnut grumbled.

"And they tricked us into helping them build them. I feel so used... and sweaty." Tuffnut said as he and his sister walked away.

"Didn't you explain to them what the perches were for?" Hicca asked Raeda.

"Well they just assumed what it was for and I didn't bother correcting them." Raeda shrugged. "It got them motivated to work."

But when a problem is caused by something Vikings don't understand, they lose all sense of reason. And that can become very dangerous.

At dinner time, the Haddock family invited Gobber to their house to celebrate the success of the perches.

Stoick, Gobber, Hiccup and Hicca clank their mugs together. "Perches for dragons! Some of your best work, kids." Stoick said praising his children. He was about to take a sip from his mug when he stopped and saw the contents inside. "Although we may need to move the one over the well."

Hiccup and Hicca felt very motivated by their success today. "And the perches are just the beginning, we can build landing areas for them, maybe even stables in the caves underneath the village and-" Hiccup said excitedly.

His sister cut him off. "We need to start making the plans right away! Where did I keep my journal?"

Stoick chuckled at his childrens' enthusiasm. "Easy you two, remember Berk is still for people."

"Vikings before dragons. That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be." Gobber added.

That statement caught Toothless and Midnights' attention. They brought their heads out of their basket of fish and looked at the blacksmith."Yeah, I said it. Deal with it."

The Haddock Twins: Riders of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now