Gem of a Different Color

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragons

Vikings are strong, tough, and courageous, but courage is a funny thing. Many are born with it. For some, it's a never-ending struggle, and for others, well, they just don't know enough to be afraid.

Today, the teens were at the Academy, but not for dragon training. This time Gobber is in charge of their training and he is teaching them hand-to-hand combat. The blacksmith believes that the teens should learn how to defend themselves if they ever get separated from their dragons.

Right now the Thorston twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, were facing off against each other, both twins armed with shields. Tuffnut charges after his sister ready to attack but Ruffnut defends herself by hitting her twin with her shield numerous times. The female Thorston emerges victorious

"As I've said a million times, and as Ruffnut has demonstrated so splendidly, the shield can be your most important weapon." Gobber explained."Now onto the next fight."

"Hold on. I didn't get a chance to hit her back." Tuffnut complained, getting up.

"You get plenty of time to hit her back afterwards." Gobber replied. He then named the next to fighters."Hiccup, Astrid."

Astrid punches her palm is excitement. Hiccup on the other hand is not that excited.

"Well, I-I don't think it's really fair for me to be fighting As-" He didn't get another word in as Astrid began to throw a few punches at Hiccup, which he manages to dodge. He was able to flip her over his shoulder but just when he looks over his shoulder with a smug grin, Astrid pins him to the ground in a painful arm lock. Snotlout silently cheered from the distance while Toothless looked at his rider worriedly.

Gobber decides to offer some advice to the struggling boy. "When you're in a situation like this, it's best to remain calm and take deep breaths." Hiccup responds by giving him a look as if to say. 'Seriously? Is that the best you've got?'

Gobber takes the hint and gives him another piece of advice "When that's not an option, I would advise playing dead."

Hiccup gives up struggling and drops his head to the ground.

"Just like that. Well done, Hiccup. Good form, Astrid." Gobber complimented.

Astrid releases her grip and got up.

"You okay?" She asked Hiccup.

"Never been better." Hiccup said with a little strain in his voice."Shoulder should pop back into place in no time."

His twin sister, Hicca, walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulder. "Hold still, bro. One..." She pops his shoulder back into place, earning a grunt from her brother in response. "Two three."

"Thanks sis." Hiccup said, rubbing his shoulder.

"On the bright side, Hiccup, you lasted longer than the last time." Raeda commented.

"AlrightRaeda, Hicca, you two are up." Before Hicca could even come up with a response, Raeda and threw her a kick. Hicca dodged the kick by an inch. Raeda responded with a few more punches and kicks, which Hicca managed to dodge as well. Then after another kick from Raeda, Hicca ducked and, on impulse, tripped Raeda up. The Henderson girl fell to the ground.

Hicca was surprised by that. "Wow that worked! Did you guys see that?" She said turning to the others. But her moment of triumph ended when Raeda retaliated by tripping her as well.

"Great job, you two. Another point that Raeda has demonstrated her; never turn your back on your opponent, even when they seemed to be defeated. So Hicca, be careful next time."

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