New bae?

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I just finished aruging with my boyfriend, wait wait. Never mind  let me rephrase that, my ex boyfriend. I just found out he dumped me, and came up with a bad excuse saying he thinks we are moving too fast. When we've been dating for five years. Turns out he realized he is gay. I saw him the other day at the mall kissing his new boyfriend. I'm just so pissed at him! He could have said he's gay and I wouldn't mind at all, I could have encouraged and supported him.  We could have still been bestfriends at least. But oh well. Right now I'm at another mall and got myself some Starbucks, now I'm headed to a park and just chill there for a moment. 
                  ***TIME SKIP***
So I just finished my drink and I think Imma go home now. I step on the sidewalk start singing random and made up songs from my mind.
"I'm so fancy, you already kn-
I was cut off by a voice yelling from behind me " Watch out!" But it was too late for that person ran me over with a scooter. I fell and stayed in that position and got up fast to start yelling.
"Yo what the fuck!?" I said angry at this person.
"Bro I'm so sorry." She said trying to help me pick my things up.
"No don't touch me bitch!" I say looking at her closely. She had blue, black and  grayish baggy clothes on and her hair down and silver color. On top of that she was wearing silver chains, hella chains. Not to mention her blue thick shoes that matches her outfit and her blue Ocean eyes.
"Woah I know I knocked you out of your feet but that kinda really rude." She says looking at me, frowning.
I look at her closely and say "Geuss you're right. Sorry bout that." I say as she finishes picking up my things and handing it to me.
"Here you go. Once again I'm sorry for this."
"Billie hold up I can't keep up!" Her security gaurd I believe says as he catches up to her out of breath.
"Whatever you need exercise." She says back with a smile.
I start laughing and say "You are one funny person aren't you" I say forgetting what she just did to me.
"I don't know, maybe I am but I hate myself." She says. "By the way I'm Billie." Billie says holding out her hand as I shake it.
"Lilianna." I say smiling.
"Okay, nice name by the way. " Billie  says looking at me up and down.
"Thanks, yours is actually nice too not gonna lie." I say looking at her guard.
"Billie we should keep going." Her guard says. Why does she need a guard tho?
"Oh right, do you have Insta?" She says looking at me with a questioning look.
"Oh yes." I say handing her my phone so she could copy the username.
                  ***Time skip***
"And that is how he broke up with me." I say looking at Billie who is frowning.
"Wow. He could of told you. I mean, that is a natural reason. It's not a stupid reason." Billie says as she plays with my hair and me looking at her blue eyes.
"I love you. " I say dragging my hands to her neck and lifting my hands up to kiss her.
She then forces her tongue in my mouth and her hand is now under my shirt.

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