The Stupid Ex

27 1 2

Webtoon: Your Throne


I got up and groaned. I must've felt a bit weak from the mark. It was probably unusual to have 5 marks on your body anyway. I remember they were saying with these marks, I can be immortal or something.

I walked towards the kitchen in hopes of finding food. I smiled happily when I picked up some yogurt to eat.

I sat by the window and happily watched the life outside. Everything was merry, until I spotted a familiar wolf.

As he ran towards the door, I dropped my yogurt and sprinted to the door to see if it was locked. It was! My mates must have done it since they left.

I gasped in horror when I heard slamming against the door. The wolf was trying to get in! My phone was in my new room, which was sadly the second floor.

I was afraid to run up there and see my stupid ex mate possibly get in so I ran to grab the house phone. I went to the first contact on the phone, which was Jake.

"Help!" I yelled as I rudely cut off Jake. "He's here!"

I heard a sound that sounded like the phone was being snatched by someone.

"Explain," Kyle said harshly.

"K-k-kevin," I stammered.

"It's ok, my love," Kyle said soothingly.
"Listen to-"

I yelled in fear as the door broke. "He broke the door!" I whispered as I ran upstairs. My heart was pounding loudly due to fear and adrenaline combined.

The phone got snatched again. "Where is he?" A cold voice asked.

"He didn't come in yet. He is struggling to remove the broken door," I said as I watched.

"Listen," Blaire said coldly. "He's a werewolf so he's probably tracking your scent. Douse yourself in vinegar and hide somewhere."

I didn't question his weird ways. Why vinegar?

I sprinted to the kitchen, panting alomg the way.

"Almost there," Blaire yelled. "Im afraid Bristle might beat me there."

I hurriedly tossed over various items to find the vinegar. I angrily threw a pot down when I failed to find it.

Spotting a knife, I quickly grabbed it. I watched my trembling hands and knew I had no chance to fight him with this if I was this scared.

I tried to run into the hallway before I looked down. My breath quickened when I saw Kevin prowling around. He was naked since he wasn't in wolf form anymore. I quickly looked away and looked for an exit.

"Raven?!" The voice on the phone yelled loudly, drawing Kevin's attention.

He looked up and smirked. He apparently pinpointed my location.

As he flew up the stairs and pushed me into a random room, I screamed out of fear. I regrettably dropped the phone and knife as I hit a random table with Kevin on top of me.

"Raven!" The voice screeched as it became more desperate for an answer from me.

"Goodbye," Kevin said into the phone as he hung up.

My eyes grew wide with desperation as he pushed me to the floor and pinned my arms above my head.

"Ooh I missed you," he groaned as he pushed his head by my neck. "Those idiots still have you, don't they? I sense a new mark disturbing."

He raised his head and glared down at me. I glared back at him.

"Bad!" He yelled as he slapped my face, making me gasp.

"You should know you're mine and only mine!" He sneered.

"Idiot wolf," I forced myself to say. "You are a useless and a pathetic excuse of a wolf if you really think that."

His eyes glowed with anger as he leaned closer to me. I shifted uncomfortably since he was naked.

"Let's get started," He said with fake happiness as his claws extended. I yelped as his claws sliced the bottom of my shirt. If it was cut completely, it could have been a crop top.

As his eyes examined my exposed skin, I took that opportunity to knee him hard in a certain area.

His eyes bulged out with pain as I rolled away to safety.

"You smell," I yelled as I got up. My head swam and I found myself stumbling on the fallen table. I quickly got up and grabbed the phone. Where were my mates?

I was going to call Jake again but my fingers fumbled with the buttons. I cursed the shaking of my body as I slapped my forehead angrily.

I almost successfully called him when a body collided with mine and we fell down the stairs.

I cried at the pain and struggled to get up. Kevin kicked my ribs, making me fall back onto the floor. I looked at my surroundings to see the broken front door so close by!

It was so close. I tried to crawl slowly to it but Kevin grabbed my feet and dragged me closer to him.

"Let go!" I screamed in anger as I kicked around. I involuntary smiled as I saw my foot connect with his face.

Growling in anger, he shoved a claw through my foot. I screeched as his claws traced the bottom of my foot, drawing blood.

"Should I break your toes?" He asked as his claws went into my foot. I waved my other foot around helplessly as I gritted my teeth to not make a sound from the pain.

"Maybe I should just mark you first," he said as he dropped my bleeding foot and crawled on top of me. I gagged as his disgusting face came closer.

"Do you even brush your disgusting teeth?" I asked. "Or shower?"

"Because of your senseless rejection, my pack kicked me out! I'm homeless and alone because of you!"

"What makes you think I care?" I yelled as I tried to wiggle free. He didn't let me and he ripped my shirt off.

He growled in anger as he saw the other marks on my body. His claws traced over the scar from where he plunged his claws into my shoulder and then hovered over my other shoulder, where Arden's mark lay.

I yelled in anger as he started to touch me and slapped him. He growled in anger and showed me his canines. I lifted a hand and was about to scratch his face when he dug his claws into my hand. Trying desperately not to make a sound, I clenched my teeth and geitted my eyes from the pain and my hand automatically went to the wound.

"Give up!" He sneered as he stared down at me.

Tears ran down my face as I began to look around me. My eyes widened with hope as I spotted a small piece of wood from the broken door near me. As Kevin glared and muttered about the marks I had, I stretched out my bloody hand to reach the wood.

I gasped as the wood made contact with the wound on my hand. Luckily, Kevin paid no mind to it since he was muttering about getting rid of my marks.

I closed my eyes in determination. Feeling satisfied with everything, I smacked Kevin's face with the wood.

He screamed in pain and held his face. I pushed myself away from him and got up shakily. I stumbled as my feet started to hurt from walking. I forced myself to pick up the shredded remains of my shirt. Tears came to my eyes as it fell apart in my hands.

I tried to walk but fear overtook my senses. I didn't want him to touch me ever. He only touched the marks my mates made on me.

I decided to run to the door when Kevin turned into his wolf. I looked behind me in horror as the wolf angrily ran towards me. I increased my speed but it was useless.

The wolf pushed me over. I screamed in pain as my battered body hit the floor hard. The wolf put a paw on my chest, as if saying he could kill me easily. I started to hyperventilate when I realized death was near.

Raven! A voice invaded my thoughts. I was too frazzled to answer. My breathing quickened. I was maybe on the verge of a panic attack. The wolf bared its teeth as its saliva dropped on me. I closed my eyes tightly and wished for anyone... Just someone to come and save me.

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