The Bird who is Human

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Kyle POV

I gratefully took some pizza that Kevin offered.

"My mate is such a bore," Kevin hissed.

"Can you tell me about her?" I asked.

I listened to him as he bad-talked her. I doubt she was as terrible as he was making her.

"Why do you hate her?"

At my question, he stopped blabbering about her and blushed.

I continued on. "You should be grateful for having a mate. I probably don't have one. You should be happy!"

I frowned at the thought of my previous and terrible memories. I remember my parents abandoning me. They were both werewolves and they raised me lovingly until the day I shifted into my giant eagle. Since that day 19 years ago, I have been living on the edge of the pack as an outcast. Since I am different, I probably won't have a mate like werewolves do. Thankfully, Kevin took me in and we became friends. I didn't care about my differences around him.

The real question is why am I a bird?

Stop it my bird said. It is strange since you were born from wolves but think about this. You are special!

I smiled. I am special. I do not know any other bird shifters so I might be the only one. That simply means I am one of a kind.

Kevin ruffled my white hair. "Eat some pizza. I'm going to bed."

I watched him leave and smiled. I would love to meet this mate of his.

Raven POV

I grumbled as Danielle woke me up. I wondered where Bristle was until I remembered I left him at Jake's house.

"We're going for a run," she told me.

I sighed and got up. "Fine," I grumbled.

I brushed my teeth, showered, and ate breakfast. I rolled my eyes when Danielle shoved me into my room to change. I got ready to go and we started jogging.

"So what's up?" She asked.

"Nothing really..except for having a million mates," I said nonchalantly.

She sighed. "Lucky you."

I ran faster so she'll have to exert more energy to catch up to me. I was running until I saw Kevin.

I stopped suddenly and saw Danielle stop by me.

"You little-" she grunted in anger.
"That's him!" I hissed.

She stopped arguing and looked at Kevin.

"He looks very-"
I cut her off again. "I know."

"No, you don't. I meant to say he looks a bit... crazy. Crazy hot!"

She said that with a dreamy look on her face. I gave a dramatic sigh and was about to run when I saw Kevin walking with some guy to me.

I glanced at the new dude. He had an unusual hair color: white. Even his eyes were gray and he had a somber expression. Danielle probably fainted behind me from the "hotness" of the two dudes here.

Upon seeing me, Kevin rolled his eyes. His friend stared at me strangely and looked at Kevin. "Who is she?" I heard him whisper softly.

"Just a girl I know."

"Hello," I introduced myself. "I am Raven." I extended a hand to shake his.

He stared uncomprehendingly until Kevin roughly elbowed him.

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