The Human

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I hurriedly rushed Danielle and the...tree to our apartment. She was breathing heavily, as if she was nervous.

"He's a tree," she whispered to me. "And who knows what powers he has."

I nodded and looked at my mate. He was inspecting the walls but turned to flash me a smile.

"I do not understand you weird looking creatures living in places like this when-"

Danielle cut him off. "We are humans!"

At our nods his eyebrows shot up. "Humans...I have heard a many about your kind. Am I truly human now?"

He smiled suddenly. "This is amazing!" He clapped his hands. Danielle and I exchanged glances and rolled our eyes.

I frowned as an immediate thought came over me. There was no way for me to contact Arden and Daniel. How would I be able to tell them this?

"Then don't," Whispered Bristle. I stared at him wide-eyed as he stroked my hair.

"So soft," he exclaimed.

"Did you just...hear my thoughts? How?" I demanded.

He only gave me a smile. "I am a tree," is all he said.

"Tree is a bit weird for a name. What about-?

"Bristle!" He yelled out. "Since I'm a Bristle Cone Pine Tree, it makes perfect sense."

He laughed happily. "I'm glad to have met you, beautiful one, but I must go out and explore this human world! Ciao, Bella!"

He blew me a kiss and Danielle smiled at the flirting.

"He's weird but pretty," she told me. I only groaned and sat on the couch.

"I need ice cream," I said and immediately stood up.

Danielle nodded in agreement and we got some from the freezer.

When we were done, we went to sleep, since it was getting late. I brushed my teeth and smiled since I was finally in bed. Tomorrow would be a new day after all.

Next day

"I'm sorry but I can not deal with this!" Exclaimed Daniel when he found out. "I have to mark you and it has to be NOW."

Daniel knocked on the door early in the morning so I was cranky but it was even worse when he said that.
"Why?" I muttered.

He looked around my apartment as if making sure no one else was nearby. When he sensed we were alone, he smirked. "I have to do this," he stated. "Please!"

At his sad stare, I decided it wouldn't be so bad so I nodded.

He pushed me onto my bed and began to lift my shirt. Well, this was unnatural.

"Wait," I began but stopped when I saw his teeth. They looked like Arden's but they also looked different. They were a bit shorter.

He chose a spot near my left hip and bit down. I gasped as the familiar pain hit me but then it was replaced by a different feeling.

I made an unintelligible sound at this. His teeth were there for a few minutes, before he let go.

"Nice," he said while wiping blood off of his lips.

I laughed at this and got up but Daniel pushed me down again for a kiss.

We were happy doing this for a while but then the doorbell rang. I immediately got up, with Daniel trailing me.

I opened the door to find Bristle. Now that was a weird name.

I smiled widely and invited him in.

"Your kind is very interesting!" He told me. "Alas, I have no where to go. I know since I am your mate, you'll let me live here... right?"

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