The Gathering

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*Owari no Seraph is such a good anime/manga series*


I was sitting on my couch doing homework with Bristle next to me when Daniel woke up. Arden and I put him to sleep on the other couch, opposite to where I was sitting.

I looked at him before continuing on to my homework.

"That's so interesting," said Bristle.

I continued working at the computer before I got a message. It was from Jake.

I opened it to read it.

Jake: I think we should meet up at my house. I want to talk to you about some things. Can you come over at 10pm?

I thought it over and decided it was ok. It wasn't too late in the night after all.

I texted back my response and continued on my homework.

When it was nearing ten o'clock, I got ready to go.

"Where are you going?" Bristle and Daniel asked at the same time.

"To meet Jake," I replied. They got up and followed me. I decided to take a taxi since I didn't want to bother Jake to pick us up.

We all got in and soon arrived at Jake's house. I rang the doorbell. I watched Bristle and Daniel eye the house with interest and disgust.

I frowned when I saw Kevin coming near. What did he want?

My mates stiffened when they sensed the werewolf and automatically came closer to me. It was at that moment that Jake opened the door and widened his eyes at all of us standing there.

"Huh?" Was all he got to say before I waltzed into his house with my mates trailing behind me.

"What's up?" I asked him.

He only stared at them.

The doorbell rang again. Kevin opened it to reveal Arden.

"Yolo," he greeted but stopped when he saw Kevin.

"Oh," was all he said before coming inside.

"I'll introduce everyone," I said after a moment of silence.

"Arden here is the Prince of Fish." He waved.

"This is Kevin, the werewolf." He glared at everyone, including me. I saw Jake's eyes narrow as he connected the dots.

"This is Daniel. He's a rare species."

He looked grateful that I didn't let it loose that he's a dragon, but everyone probably already knew.

"The tree, Bristle." He shook his long green hair dramatically and smiled.

"And of course, Jake. He's a human."

I saw him freeze as everyone turned to stare at him. I felt sorry for him because I knew he saw himself as a lesser being for being a human. Plus, he was shy.

"Hi," he said weakly. Everyone scoffed at his response.

I looked at my mates and noticed Kevin staring at me maliciously. I glared back at him. He looked like he wanted to make a move, but couldn't since he was surrounded by stronger people.

Arden looked around. "It seems absolutely magnificent!" He beamed. "Are you perhaps a noble?" He asked Jake.

Jake quickly shook his head and led us up some stairs.

Daniel laughed when he saw a painting of a dragon destroying a town. "My peers would do that all the time! I never did, of course," he quickly clarified when we all looked at him.

We entered a grand living room area. Arden immediately sat on a couch. I noticed that there were many posh-looking couches in the area. The mates all sat on a couch and stared at each other. How perfect that they were all together in one room.

I walked away to explore the rooms upstairs. I soon walked into a kitchen.

Of course, it looked extravagant. I scoffed at Jake's richness and continued on my way back to the living room when someone collided with me.

"Oops," said Kevin as he grasped onto my shirt. I ripped his hands off and was dismayed to find his fingernails extended into claws. Which meant my shirt was now ripped apart.

"WHAT?" I shrieked.

Everyone came running and found me trying to cover myself up with the shredded shirt while Kevin made it to look like he was helping me.

"I'm soooo sorry," he said in a fake voice. I glanced at everyone and saw they were trying not to stare while staring at the same time.

"Screw it," I hissed in anger. I gave up on my shirt and let it fall to the floor.

I wore a high-waisted skirt, so Daniel's mark was barely covered but Arden's could be seen if you looked closely. It helped that my long hair was covering it.

"What?!" I said angrily. Trying to act casual, everyone else started walking around the hallway.

I glared at Bristle as he came over to me. I narrowed my eyes in anger when I saw his eyes were focused on my bra.

He walked closer while I backed away until my back hit the kitchen counter.

I looked behind me and was surprised I couldn't go back farther. I gasped in horror when Bristle looked at it with more interest.

"Wh-whatcha doing?" I stuttered.

He only furrowed his brow in concentration. "What's the point in wearing this?" He asked. "What's under this article of clothing?"

"Well that's not your concern, is it?" I asked hastily.

Noticing my tone, he stepped back from me. I sighed in relief until I noticed the psycho crazy wolf nearing me.

"NOOO!!" I shrieked. I ran into the first room I saw, which was a bedroom. That meant I could find something to wear, hopefully.

Jake's POV

After hearing Raven scream, we all ran to the area. We came, just in time to see Raven enter a bedroom while Bristle and Kevin were near the kitchen.

"What happened?" Demanded Arden.

"I have no idea. She just ran away!" Bristle exclaimed.

I shook my head when I noticed Kevin's smirk and entered my bedroom. This was the room Raven entered.

I looked hesitantly at the mates. They didn't realize my intention so I opened the door and quickly closed it.

I saw Raven, with a sense of urgency, open random drawers I had in my room.

I cleared my throat. She spun around.

"St-stay away!" She said. I was surprised to see she sounded scared.

"I came to help you, Raven. This is my room after all!" I explained. At my answer, she smiled a little.

"Can you give me a shirt?" She asked.

I smiled and walked towards her confidently. Seeing my actions, she backed away a little.

This was my chance. I had to have my moment with her before those cool dudes. They are better than me in every way.

But not today.

"Raven," I cooed. I put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Never EVER be afraid of me."

There's Seven Of Them [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now