The Vampire

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Thanks so much to everyone reading this story and commenting/voted. You're all awesome and inspiration for me to finish!

After Kyle left, Danielle and I went to our martial arts class. Unfortunately, I was off my game so I lost a couple of matches.

"I'm aching!" I complained to Danielle as we walked home.

She laughed. "Oh, Raven you look fine. You're literally the best student or whatever. I only took the class because you're there so....."

I frowned. "I think you're a good fighter though."

Smiling mischievously, she held up a paper from the evaluation of her skills. A giant D covered the paper.

We laughed together as we neared our apartment.

"Ow, my ribs!" I yelled as I leaned against the door.

Bristle immediately opened the door and looked worried, but I told him everything was normal. Nothing happened after all. I don't think he believed me, but he let me be.

"It's a secret!" Danielle sang when he questioned her about me.

One week after

I smiled to myself as I thought about my beloved mates... Except for Kevin.
They have been visiting me all week and I had fun talking to them. They didn't meet Kyle yet, but I'm sure it's okay since he's a nervous person.

I was taking a walk when suddenly, it started to rain. I looked up at the sky and frowned. The weather forecast said nothing about rain. I was about to run for cover when suddenly, the atmosphere became dark.

I looked around nervously before dashing for cover. I gasped when someone's arm circled my waist to prevent me from leaving.

I looked up into Daniel's eyes. He was glaring at the sky.

"What's wrong?" I asked, shuddering when I heard thunder. He didn't answer but looked worried.

"Vamps," was all he said.

"Sorry, didn't catch that," I said angrily. I was getting wet from the rain because he wouldn't let go!

He stared at me and I flinched at the coldness of his eyes.

"You must be kept safe," he said softly before picking me up and jumping over some buildings. When he arrived at my apartment, he put me down.

When he knocked on the door, it was immediately opened by Bristle who looked worried. He immediately brightened when he saw me.

"Take care of her," Daniel said ominously. "There's trouble." He gave me a quick kiss before shoving me inside. As soon as the door closed, Bristle launched himself at me.

"He's right," Bristle muttered.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Bristle shook his head. "I'm still new to this world and getting used to my powers but even I can sense there is nothing safe about this situation."

I was going to ask him about the situation but he shoved me into my room.

"Wait!" I protested.

Bristle stopped looking serious to smile. "You want me to stay with you? I wish I could but I need to keep an eye out."

I blushed at those words. "Most certainly not!" I exclaimed.

"I can spare some time," Bristle said as if I said nothing. "I was hoping to mark you by now. It seems like a perfect time anyway. May I, my love?"

He winked at me and I felt myself redden more.

"U-umm," I stuttered. "Alright."

He stepped in slowly and took my hands. He softly kissed my knuckles and smiled. I just looked at him.

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