Demon's bride👿DemonShu x Valt

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Hope you enjoy this story where all characters are here to watch this. What's up guys!!
Xander:*accidentally breaks a broom*Opps

Ren Wu:Don't worry readers, Xander is well um...... whenever he touch something it will break

Xander:Don't worry, there's another one in that door*points door*

Ukyo:That's a relief

Xander:Let me just *grabs doorknob but it breaks*Opps.....

Back to seat!!!!

Everyone:*back to their seats*

Eh hem!... Let's start and DON'T touch that vase!!!!

Xander:*looks at her and pull his hand away*
☆*✲゚*。Let's begin the story~*゚✲*☆
Valt was walking while holding three boxs of breads. He was going to deliever them to his customer.

*・゜゚・*☆20 minutes later~*・゜゚・*☆
"Here's your delivery sir!" Valt hand the man the box full of bread

"Thank you young man" He gave Valt some money and pat his head. He grabs the box and enter his house and close the door.

"Aahhh!!~…finally!" Valt stretch a bit and walks home. As soon as he got home, "Valt! Send this one too!" Chiharu gave Valt the medium size of box full breads in a hurry and rush back to the kitchen. "Toko! Nika where's the sugar!?" Chiharu was looking for the sugar.

"We're out of sugar!!" Toko yell and show some empty containers

"OMG!! MAY DAY! MAY DAY!" Nika was panicking even Chiharu, Toko and Valt.

"Valt here's some money!" Chiharu gave Valt a lot of money and take something in her pocket.

"Mom sugar isn't this expensive!?" Valt was confused. Who in the world will sell sugar fo 1000$ or something like that!?

"Here some list of things I need you to buy too! NOW GO!!" Chiharu yell but cheer for her son.

"GO VALT!~ GO VALT!~" now Toko and Nika are dancing and cheering for Valt like cheerleader

"ON IT! ON IT!" Valt quickly ran to deliever and goes to the grocery store to buy some more ingredients

When Valt got there, he pull out the list and start searching the item with a trolley. He was using the trolley as a skateboard so he can move way faster.

After getting all the items, Valt spins the trolley to stop it and does it successfully.

Valt was about to go to the counter to pay the item but someone stop him.

"Hey, you must be the bakery's son right!?" The man with glasses tell him

"Umm.... you mean at the Aoi bakery??" Valt ask confusingly

"Yup" The man nods

"Yeah, that's me" Valt say and grins

"I would like to order some breads from you. I want some breads, bread stick🥖, and....." The man talk what the bread he want it and that was a lot till Valt anime fall at the spot because he was getting headache from listening to him.

"Here's the list and the money" The man gave him a suitcase and open it to see a lot of money in it.

"Kyaa!?!? ……" Valt jaw drop and faint again.

He quickly pay for the groceries and made a run for it and the man yell at him

"Just send it outside this store ok!?!?" The man yell so Valt could hear him.

Valt's ships:request and one shots!💕💕Where stories live. Discover now