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Hey guys! There will be a longer author note at the end. Enjoy the chapter!


Glory was shaken from her thoughts by the sound of dozens of talons hitting the wooden floor. Looking up, she saw four little dragonets barreling towards her.

Two NightWings that looked the exact same and two RainWings came towards the Queen. Glory had a pensive expression as the dragonets came closer. Sadly, she didn't have time to think about a plan of action before the dragonets crashed into her with a loud 'oomph!' All four of them started giggling and a RainWing came rushing in after them. "Oh my, I am so sorry my Queen. The ran away and started heading in here before I could stop them. My deepest apologies your Majesty."

"It's quite alright, Lilac. They meant no harm." Lilac nodded before trying to usher the dragonets off. The RainWing Queen chuckled softly at the green and purple dragon's attempts to move the dragonets out of the Queen's platform. "Lilac," at the sound of her name the dragon's head jerked towards her, "Leave them here. I'll send someone for you after I'm done telling them a story."

"Are you sure, you Majesty?" Glory nodded, reassuring the dragon that she would be alright with the little ones. Soon enough, Lilac had left, not without sending several worried glances at the Queen and the dragonets.

"Alright little ones, what story would you like to hear?" The dragonets started shouting out story ideas, all except one. One of the NightWing twins, the smaller female, stayed quiet and watched her brother and the two RainWings bicker about which story they wanted to hear. Glory noticed this and leaned down towards the little dragonet, hoping to get her to break out of her shell. "What story would you like to hear..." Glory trailed off, hoping the little dragonet would understand that she wanted to learn her name.

"Nova," The little dragonet answered quietly. "Nova, what a pretty name for a pretty dragon." Nova blushed at the compliment from the Queen. "Now, what story would you like to hear?"

"Can you tell me about how you met Deathbringer? I've always wondered how an assassin became a Queen's bodyguard." A feeling of nostalgia hit Glory like a tidal wave caused by a SeaWing would. A faraway look crossed the RainWing's face. "Of course. Everyone, gather round and I'll tell you just how I met Deathbringer." The other dragonets quickly stopped their little argument and formed a semi-circle around the Queen. All of their eyes were wide and excited little gleams shown.

A sigh came from the Queen, this story was especially hard to tell. If she imagined it, she could almost see Deathbringer watching her with his signature smirk. "Let's start with the beginning..."


Glory, disguised as an IceWing, went down to the lone NightWing. NightWings were a rarity in Pyrrhia, especially in the Ice Kingdom. Flying down to meet him, they met with a dashing smirk across the NightWings face.

His reason for being there was as he said, 'A NightWing secret.' Soon enough, their secrets would be exposed but Glory left with one thing in mind. The NightWing was charming and annoying, but his name was Deathbringer.

Secrets exposed, attack ensued and Deathbringer went for Glory's life. Of course, not all plans work out and he ended up attacking Princess Blaze instead. With Glory's life spared, the dragonets left, returning to the Rainforest, along with a tailer. Unbeknownst to the dragonets, an assassin had followed them back.

~End of Flashback~

"And that, is how I met Deathbringer." Glory ended the story with a empty feeling inside. Not long ago they had confessed their feelings for each other in their darkest of moments. And now, Glory wished all the more that her loyal bodyguard was here to comfort her. Alas, who knows when he would be home, if he survived. Nova piped up, "So, he went from trying to kill you to protecting you? Why?"

"Because, that's what you do when you fall in love." The dragonets 'ewww' ed, except Nova. Nova looked at Glory with a look that told her that even though she was young, Nova somehow understood the pain Glory was in. "Alright guys, I think it's time for Lilac to take you home." As if she had been summoned, Lilac appeared and started ushering the dragonets out.

"Thank you my Queen." Lilac said, with a nod of her head. "Of course, I needed a break and they were the perfect reason for one. Nova sure is intelligent."

"Yes, she really is," Lilac responded with a far off look. She quickly shook herself out of her daze and took the dragonets out of the Queen's platform.

With a sigh, Glory went to her leaf pile where Deathbringer always laid to watch for enemies. Lying down, the RainWing settled her head onto her front talons and closed her eyes with a sigh. Before sleep could succumb her, she though of one last prayer to her ever faithful bodyguard.


A/n Hey y'all. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I am planning on writing out the rest of the chapters soon and then publishing one every week. If that works then I will be able to keep posting regularly and not making you guys wait for ever for each chapter. Also, please note that the flashback was just what I remember from Glory and Deathbringer's meeting in book 3. Leave comments if you want me to do another contest soon. Don't forget, you can still enter for the egg contest. There is still a chance to win. Follow my Instagram @flickalover00. Hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!

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