thirty nine

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TW: mentions of violence


after my family left and so did matt, i couldn't handle being alone, so knowing that matt told zac about this, i decided to call him. he had texted me and so did a few people asking if i was okay, probably because david told them that i wasn't feeling well. david texted me a few times too but i didn't feel like answering him. zac came over and spent the night with me. not just one, he spent a whole week living with me, sleeping in the same bed and driving me to work when he could. i felt so bad for making him stay, but he told me every day that it was okay, because that's what friends do, even though he had to take care of me like a baby and take a 40 minutes drive from here to his work, instead of less than 20, like he would if he was at his place.

i was just terrified since it happened. i didn't know if i could trust the doorman now. of course jeffrey gave him some money to let him in, it was the most logical thing. also, maybe he knows that i told my friends and family and would come back, so i locked the door and wasn't answering it before asking who it was.

the bruises on my neck were now turning yellowish, being able to be covered with makeup, and the scratches were almost healed. it was taking so long to the bruises to go away, but i knew that the neck was a sensitive area and he gripped me with so much strength, i wasn't surprised that this monstrosity wasn't fading.

it was sunday, matt was sat down on the couch, my head resting on his lap while he played with my hair, and zac was washing the dishes. "can i ask you something?" matt started and i nodded, not taking my eyes off the tv. "why didn't you come yesterday?"

i heard zac stop everything he was doing to listen to this conversation as i looked up to stare at matthew. "what do you mean by why i didn't come? you know why. i sent him a text congratulating him for everything, he just didn't say anything."

"i actually don't." i sat up, noticing that zac actually finished the dishes and was coming to sit on the chair beside the couch. "you're avoiding david and i can't understand why."

i sighed. "i don't want to talk or see him, it's not him, it's just... i don't want to."

zac frowned. "why? he has nothing to do with this, you guys were fine."

"i don't know, i... don't want to put him in all this mess, he doesn't deserve this." my eyes filled with tears. i was becoming such a cry baby, wow.

matt shook his head. "he's already in this mess, can't you see? you guys are together, he will support you whenever."

"even when someone just threatened him?" i was getting mad with this. they couldn't make me tell david my life story if i didn't want to. i knew they weren't doing exactly that, but it felt like they were. "guys, i can't."

"then how do you plan on being with him? david's upset, he's not the type to show his feelings, but we all know he's scared to lose you... he even asked me if i knew how you were." matt kept talking so i stood up, starting to grab my stuff to organize it. i tend to do that when i'm feeling some type of way.

feeling like my heart was about to combust, my breath uneasy and with my hands shaking, i had enough of it, turning around to shot him a glare. "shut up! just shut the fuck up!" i almost yelled. "i know you fucking care about me, but this is about me and david! i can't put him in all this trouble, no love is capable of handling this, understand that! i can't tell him, it will only ruin things! i need time."

"what can't you tell me?" his voice echoed in the apartment, making me snap my head quickly to the door to see him standing there. my heart was beating so fast that i, if it was possible, i would faint.

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