slowing down

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~preveously in Jay's girl~

~"So you spent two weeks in the future?" 2035 to be exact" I corrected. Cisco was about to ask another question but was interrupted by Jason crashing his lips to my mine, pulling me as close as possible to him. He then pulled away, our lips inches apart, me frozen "get us out of here" he said, I didn't question it, I grabbed his hand then ran right out of there and headed straight to the Wayne Manor~


(A/n: warning, just a tad bit spicy, not lemon though)

As soon as I made into my room, Jay closed the door and pushed me against it, kissing me hungrily as if he hadn't seen me in weeks, or even months. I pulled away, heaving in air "J-Jay, you're acting like you haven't seen me for weeks, but I was only gone for a couple hours to you" I said, still trying to get air, "you're always getting taken from me, I just wanna make you mine" with that he went to my neck, immediately finding my sweet spot making me squirm. His turquoise eyes were clouded with lust when I caught a glimpse of them, but they also held a hint of determination. He started abusing my spot until I'm sure there is a hickey now, he then moved down and started kissing all over, leaving a hickey here and there, me wriggling and panting under him. "J-Jason~" I moaned out, gripping his shirt as he left yet another mark

"say it again" what?" I whimpered out "say my name again," Jason said huskily before he bit my neck making me whimper out "Jason~". He licked it saying "all better" before coming back to my lips, tapping my legs "jump" he ordered, I quickly did as told and jumped, him catching me with his big hands on my thighs. We continued to passionately make out on the door for a few minutes before he carried me over to my bed, plopping me down and placing himself between my legs, then carried on his work on my lips, rubbing circles on my hips and gripping them hard. Groaning, moaning, and sometimes, growling in the kiss

He started to grind down on me, I couldn't help but let out noises, him grunting hungrily through our kiss. "there's too much in the way" Jay said, tugging at the belt loops on my jeans "uh uh, I'm always the first to lose my close. your turn" I ordered seductively as I yanked on his shirt. It felt like electricity was coursing through my veins, I'm excited, nervous, happy, a mixture of tons of different feelings, but I know one thing, I want this. Jay did as told and took off his shirt, a smirk played on his lips as he did so "how's that baby?" he smirked, "Is this better?" I just ran my hands over his finely toned torso in response, making him shiver. I quickly pulled him by the top of his jeans back down to me, no room in between us. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were lit up, he looked perfect

Suddenly I felt the cool air on my legs "how-" trained by ninjas, remember?" He said before throwing my pants to the same place he threw his shirt. He started to rub up and down my thighs, making me a shivering mess. Jay's always in control when we makeout or almost do it, doing everything for me and saying he wants to spoil me, but I want to be in charge, I want to spoil him for a change. I raked my hands through his hair making my way to the nape of his neck, knowing he would be distracted once I hit his nape. And as if on cue, he started humming and closed his eyes as I fiddled with his hair at his nape. I took advantage and flipped us over so I was on top, sitting on his hips, careful not to sit on his -you know what-. Diving in, I started to work on his neck, listening to his noises so I knew when I hit his spot

But also as if on cue, as soon as I hit his spot and started to abuse it, there was a knock at the door. I could tell Jason was perturbed and was about to say something so I just kept going on his neck. Jason didn't say anything and there wasn't another knock so I thought it was safe to get harder "b-babe, I should probably go check the door" he stuttered out

~third pov~

On the other side of that door was Dick, who just wanted to check on his brother since y/n had been captured yet again, for the third time in a span of four months. He knocked but no one answered "I'm just gonna let myself in, I don't wanna leave you alone in this state little bird" with that he opened the door, swinging it wide open, thinking he'd find a worried sick Jason, but instead was met by a wiggling in the air, no pants y/n butt and a stuttering moaning mess Jason. Not thinking about the fact Jason was getting some and that he was interrupting a moment Dick did what he always does. "Y/N!!! you're back!!" he cried, wrapping his arms around her middle and pulling her off Jason

~your pov~

I felt arms wrapping around my middle, then in an instant, I was pulled off of Jay. "Y/N!!! you're back!!!" Dick cried as he engulfed me in a hug. Oh come on, seriously? now of all times. He busts in now. I wanted to facepalm myself but my arms were being held captive by Dick's. "h-hi bigbird" I choked out, for Dick's hugs are rib braking, sometimes just plain ole bone braking. "put some pants on, the others need to know you're ok" Dick said before putting me down. "what the heck Dick!?! we were having a moment!" Jason yelled, obviously mad because Dick ruined the mood. "oh, that was a moment? I thought she was just eating you" Dick shrugged,  I  could tell he knows full well what was actually happening but he just wants to torture us

I trudged over to my pants and Jay's shirt, putting on the pants then grabbing the shirt. I walked back to Jay, handing him his shirt "but what about-" we have plenty of time to continue, but right now the others need to know I'm not dead or still captured" I said, knowing he wouldn't like it "fiiiinnneee" he groaned before h put his shirt on. "that's the spirit!" Dick chirped, earning himself an annoyed look from Jason

Everyone was in the cave and as soon as I stepped foot in the cave I was engulfed in a huge group hug by everyone, including Damian. "I'm so glad you're safe" Tim smiled " you imbecile don't go missing, EVER again" Damian ordered before hugging me tighter, it sounded mean, but I know that was going to be the sweetest thing he'll ever say to me, EVER. " I'm glad you made it back in one piece miss y/n" Alfred said "you're moving back in, I can't take having my daughter so far away. I need you where I can keep you safe. I love you, we love you y/n" Bruce said

Best. Hug. Ever

A few days later I moved back into the Manor and started going to GA again. Iris and Barry were sad to see me leave but they knew this is what I want.  A week later and I officially changed my name to y/n m/n Wayne, I finally became I Wayne, Officially at least. I was always a Wayne, it just needed to be brought out. I didn't visit Central City very often, I didn't want Barry to try and get me to put the suit back on, I can't, it can't happen, that future I saw can't come true. I can't tell him about the future because that would be spoilers, besides that future will never happen so why bother telling him? I focused on school, no heroing, I was just a normal teenager with a crime-fighting, vigilante boyfriend. At times, yes, it was hard to watch him leave for patrols going into danger, but I knew if I went out there as any super, I'd end up making that future come true

Soon, Jason graduated, which was amazing since no one thought he would, jk, jk😂. A year later, I graduated at eighteen. And through all that time me and Jason stuck together, we eventually told everyone about my dad and how he works for the league and they surprisingly took it well. They explained that Damian's mom is the big boss lady in the league, so having one more kid who's parent is part of the league wasn't all that new. It was around Christmas when Jason told me he bought an apartment for us, just for us, he wanted us to have a fresh start. We moved in a week ago, and now, we're making our own future. One that doesn't lead to any version of the one I've seen


(a/n: so....end of this book, yay! but don't worry, I'm going to write a second book. To any readers who've been with me since chapter one, thank you for sticking with me and my bad writing😂 and to those who came around after I had a few out, still, a big thank you!! I never thought this book would be such a hit but here I am with 25 point something thousand reads🤣THANK YOU!!!!!!!!)

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