my future family

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I closed the door behind us, feeling a crack in the door. This was the crack I made after I found out dad was alive. "it's still here" I mumbled, rubbing my fingertips over the crack. "we keep all our memories in here, even that one" Jay said coming up behind me "I-I told you?" Well, you yelled it at me the morning after the joker incident. But you told the others later on. Everyone was shocked except B, he already thought something was up" he said, wrapping his arms around my middle. Even though this should be weird since he's older than me, but I didn't seem to care. "did I ever-"make amends with him?" Jason asked, I just kept rubbing the crack "you tried, but I can't tell you anything else. Spoilers" he slightly giggled "Cisco taught you about time travel, huh?" it was either him or the council of Wells. Wells drives me crazy, so yes, Cisco taught me"

What Jason said made me laugh, it was a genuine laugh. I haven't laughed since I got here.

"was I a good mom?" I asked. For I was curious. My mom always said I'd be a good mom, but with everything that's happened I thought I'd be ...well... too broken to be a good mom. "you were a great mom, Robin loved you with all her heart. She still loves you" Jason said, turning me around to face him "she hates the way I make oatmeal, and will only eat the way you make it. And she loves being tucked in like a burrito, your idea by the way" that's the way my mom used to tuck me in" I giggled "that's why you did it, and Robin loved it too" Jason smiled "now let's get you some clothes"

With that he walked over to my closet, he grabbed a black tee and some jeans I slightly recognized. He tossed the clothes over his head in my direction, the shirt was the best shirt ever. His redhood shirt, the first shirt of his I ever wore. And the jeans were actually mine "how do you have these?" I asked looking at the jeans "I couldn't bare to throw out or give away your clothes, there still in here actually" he said, ruffling through some clothes that looked like mine. I just stared at the jeans, their really sentimental to him, sentimental enough to keep for all these years. "I won't turn around, you can change" you've seen me like this before, I think you'll be fine" I giggled "besides, I can't undo the zipper on my back," I said, reaching to undo the zipper but fail

I heard him sigh before he reluctantly walked up behind me. One of his hands rested on my neck while the other undid the zipper. Once the zipper was all the way down, my back fully exposed, he blurted "I'll be in Robin's room, we passed it on our way here" and almost like the flash, he was gone. As I took off my suit and put on the clothes I couldn't help wondering if I made Jay uncomfortable, the way he acted made me think this. He undid the zipper then poof, gone. It's like he didn't want to see me anymore. Maybe I pushed too far. Maybe I shouldn't have had him undo it and did it myself (since I can) I was really only trying to make him smile by acting childish.

I brushed away the feelings and put the rest of the clothes on. I need to focus on getting home. I ran my finger through my hair before walking out of the room in search of Robin's room. It looks like she took Damian's room, cause if you look closely on the door, there's marks from where he used the door as target practice with his throwing stars and knives. I peeked into the room thinking I'd find Alfred having that tea party with Robin and Jay just watching from a corner of the room or something. But what I found was Robin, Alfred, AND Jay having a tea party. There he was, the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome man sitting at a little girl's pink table in her pink room, tea in hand, pinky out. And to top it all off, he was wearing a signature pink tea party hat

I have never seen a man with so much pink around him or on him

"more tea sir?" Robin chirped sophisticatedly, holding her pink and white teapot, also with pinky out "why thank you madam, how kind of you" Alfred smiled, sticking his teacup out for her to poor "tea" in. She hummed as she poured the "tea" in Alfred's cup then made her way to Jason. "and how about you sir daddy, would you like some tea?" of course I would lady Robin, you always make the best tea" he said in his best impression of Alfred, which wasn't very good, but it made Robin laugh. I slightly giggled at the sight, which caught Robin's attention. "mommy! come have tea with us!" in an instant, she dragged me over to the table seating me next to Jay "there, you sit next to daddy while I get you a cup" she ordered. I sat down in the chair that was three sizes too small for me, wondering how Jay, the man that three sixes bigger than me, has managed to sit in the chair

We had our tea party, and of course, we had some of Alfred's cookies for a snack. later on, we had dinner, which I had four helpings of. Apparently, time travel running wares you out even more than just regular running. Jason said the first thing we should do after dinner is call Barry and see if he can help me get back to my time. And that's what we did, as soon as we were done eating we went down to the Batcave. Alfred said he'd deal with putting Robin in bed so we didn't have to worry about it. We called S.T.A.R labs, only to get Cisco instead of Barry. Cisco had a coffee cup in his hand but immediately dropped it when he saw me, spilling the coffee all over himself. "this can NOT be happening, YOU are dead you can't be alive right now!" he just kept rambling on and on and on about the fact that I can't be alive

"time travel" I blurted out, making Cisco almost instantly stop talking

Well that shut'em up

Jay's Girl (Jason Todd/ Redhood x Batfamily x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now