Lightning part 2

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third pov...

it had been three days since the second particle accelerator had failed, three days since y/n had been struck by lightning and put in a coma.

Jason never left her side he hadn't showered, eaten, or slept for three days, Jason was the definition of a mess but he refused to leave his girlfriend's side.

It was Saturday afternoon and Caitlin was running her normal tests, yesterday they figured out that her cells were rapidly regenerating just like Barry's. Meaning she had become like Barry, a speedster.

"Jason", Jason hummed then looked up to find Dick standing in front of him "you need rest" no I need to stay with y/n" would y/n want you to be like this because of her?" Dick asked Jason's grip on y/n's hand tightened

"I can't leave her" he thought "Dick's right, you need food and rest and a shower" Caitlin chimed in.

"I can't! the last time I left her she got zapped by lightning!" Jason said looking down at his feet his hair covering his face.

Jason knew it wasn't his fault that y/n was in this mess but he couldn't find anything else to blame except himself and the accelerator but he couldn't blame a hunk of metal so he just blamed himself.

"Jason, y/n isn't going anywhere she is just in a coma as her cells heal, she'll wake up when their done healing do you want to look like that when she wakes up?" Caitlin asked.

Jason agreed to take care of himself as long as y/n was never left alone.

Weeks became months and y/n hadn't woken up yet, Jason stayed in Central city taking care of himself but spending every last minute with y/n, Cassy also stayed in Central city but didn't check up on her as often as Jason did.

6 months after the explosion...

It was 10:00 on a fresh spring morning Jason made his way into the main room in S.T.A.R labs to say good morning to his girlfriend.

He tucked some of her h/c locks behind her ear and kissed her forehead "morning beautiful" he cooed like he said to her every morning.

Then Cisco came in and sat at his desk "how is she?"normal, well her normal for the past six months" Jason replied sitting down in a chair next to Cisco.

Cisco tapping away at his computer then put music on "why did you put music on?" well I looked at her insta and it said she really likes music so I figured if it worked for Barry it might work for her" you cyberstalked my girlfriend?!" hey hey it was for scientific purposes only" Cisco said trying to defend himself

"well if your gonna play music at least play her favorite song" and that would be?" Cisco asked.

Jason told him y/n's favorite song then Caitlin walked in "are you trying out your music theory?" she asked putting her things down on her desk. She then proceeded to do her normal vital checks on y/n

"I mean it worked with Barry so why not?" they are two different people it's not like music just wakes up speedsters" she said while taking y/n's heart rate.

Cisco still wanted to try so played f/s on the speakers so y/n could hear it.

your pov...

I heard f/s playing. I still felt numb but I tried to open my eyes. I caught a glimpse of Jay before I closed my eyes again. It felt really nice to see his face I haven't seen it I don't know how long.

All of a sudden the numbness was fading I could wiggle my toes and move my fingers, I wiggled everything till out of nowhere I pop right up on the medical cot gasping for air.

I heard it's ok to take it easy but I wasn't listening I scanned the room to find that I was in some sort of lab.

Then my eyes met Jason's blue-green ones the look of shock and happiness written all over his face.

I took monitors and tubes off of me and stood up "wh..what happened?" I asked "you got struck by lighting which put you in a coma for six months," A lady with brown hair said a little too calmly

"I got what?!?!" I questioned my head spinning. I turned around to find Jay and I immediately pulled him into a hug he put his strong arms around me instantly making me feel better.

"I'm so glad you're awake," he said into my hair, but how? how am I even alive? I got struck by lightning! no one should be alive after that!

After I hugged Jay a few minutes more I let go "how do you feel?" a guy with black hair asked, "I feel like I shouldn't be alive, how the heck am I alive?!" I asked.

I wanted answers and now, then I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror I'm wearing a black sports bra and joggers and wait.. are those "lightning gave me abs?" I said walking closer to the mirror.

"that's what I said when I woke up" I voice chuckled, I looked to my right to see Mr. Allen the man who was speaking at the accelerator power on, No. Way. I looked to my left and there it was the Flash suit

"your the Flash!" I yelled, "the fastest man alive!". Then a yellow blur came zooming through the room and stopped, it was kid Flash

"man it's really quiet today, not even a mugging" he said sounding a little disappointed, he hadn't even noticed me and pulled off his mask then he saw me "Oh, you're awake...and I just showed you my identity" he said facepalming himself

"it's fine Wally" Barry said "y/n this is Wally, my brother"brother?" I asked cause Wally was of color and Barry was definitely NOT

"well brother-in-law" he chuckled. I made an o with my mouth, then all of a sudden I was having a dizzy spell, the floor was spinning I was about to fall but Jay caught me

"she needs rest, why don't I take her to my apartment so she can be a little more comfortable" Jason said

"I still need to run tests on her, we don't know if the speed force has affected her differently my concern is that she woke up three months before Barry did" isn't that a good thing?" I'm not sure, that's why I need to run tests" the lady with brown hair said handing me a S.T.A.R labs sweatshirt.

The lady with brown hair and Jason kept bickering, she would give him a reason why I should stay then he would bite back with why I should go with him, my chest felt tight as I stood there in the middle of their bickering my breath was shaky I looked at my hands and they were shaking, no, more like vibrating!

"uh guys" I said but no one looked at me and Jason and the Brunette were still bickering "GUYS!" I yelled.

Then all the attention was on me, my whole body was shaking I tried to walk but instead, I ran right into a wall, Jason already at my side

"you have speed!" the guy with black hair exclaimed "I need get on a suit pronto".

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