mine and mine alone

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~your pov~

When I woke up, two hours later, I took a much-needed shower. And in all that time, with no one talking to me giving me their opinions or anything like that. I made my decision

~Jason's pov~

I wanted to go out on patrol to keep my mind off y/n, but it's the middle of the day and vigilantes can't really lurk in the shadows in broad daylight. So, I decided to keep to myself in my room, with some of Alfred's cookies of course. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a plate from the cabinet, I turned around to find a demon in front of me "what do you want Damian" I asked, not really caring if he wanted anything. Setting the plate down on the island, I picked out some cookies "I just wanted to to know if you and y/n are ok" what's it to you?" I asked. Like seriously, what's it to him? and why does he care? one, she's not his girlfriend to worry about, and two, why does he think we're not ok? I haven't told anyone about our fight...unless... Barb blabbered to Dick. Dick really can't keep his mouth shut

"I care for y/n too you know," Damian said "we all do"

At that, I turned around and tried to look at Damian in the eye, craining my neck to do so "yeah, I know. everyone cares about her, me the most" I stated "but why do YOU care if y/n and I are ok" her room is right next to mine" you didn't..." I started "hear the whole argument? hear how y/n's dad IS alive, and it was him that took her from Joker?" Damian asked with blunt sarcasm "yeah, I heard it all" Crap, he can't tell anyone about that, y/n should be the one to tell everyone. "you can't breathe a word about her dad, got it?" I ordered, trying to use my big brother status against him. "I wasn't going to tell anyone. that's y/n's decision if and when she wants to tell people" he stated in a monotone voice "now that that's settled I'm gonna get some cookies" with that Damian snatched up my plate of cookies and ninja dashed out of the kitchen

"you demon! those are my cookies!" I shouted "their mine now!" he called back. That brat. I mumbled rated R curse words under my breath as I got out another plate and piled cookies on it. "hey little wing!" An annoyingly chipper voice called out. Dick. "Why can't I just be left alone?" I sighed, mostly to myself. If I could shoot something right now, it'd be him, him and his stupid face. "How's y/n?" He asked in a more serious tone. "She's fine" I spat, knowing she's NOT fine but I can't say anything yet.

"Babs told me everything!" Dick blabbered out. I hung my head and sighed. At this point everyone knows if Dick knows. "Please tell me you haven't opened your big mouth" I sighed, "big mouth?!I do not have a big mouth!" He exclaimed, well, more like whined, putting his hand over chest acting hurt. "you do to have a big mouth. I'm surprised you kept you identity a secret for as long as you have" I retorted "and since you know everything, then you know y/n's not fine. And you know me and her are not ok. So can I please just eat my cookies in peace"

I walked away, my plate of piled up cookies in hand "what happened in the warehouse?" Dick asked, making me stop in my tracks, remembering what happened there. "Bruce wouldn't let us listen over the coms. He didn't even let us stay in the cave. What happened?" y/n was gonna kill Joker" I said in a monotone voice "what!? she was going to kill Joker?!" Dick asked in disbelief. Frankly, it's hard for me to believe that y/n would even think about killing, innocent little y/n, killing?But I know now, and that image is burned into my memory

"She was angry, she thought it would be the best thing to do. For everyone" I stated. But do I blame her for feelling that way? No Dick was silent for awhile, probably trying to think of how NOT to erratate me. "Did...do she-" kill him?" I innterupted "no, she didn't. I some how talked her out of it, she instead took him to Arkham" Talking about y/n made me want to go to her even more and check on her, but if I did that Barbra would kill me. She'd say "you never listen to me!" and frankly, I never listen to her, ever. Barb's like a sister to me, or a mom, maybe both. But I'd never listen to either my mom nor my sister, so why listen to her?

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