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I woke up slowly to myself on a bed and two figures, both women. Wait... aunt Cassy? it was, to my left was my aunt Cassy and to my right was my mom. But .... but they're..they're....dead. "mom? it really you?" I ask, feeling tears pool in my eyes. I try to reach for her but I'm too weak  "honey, get up" mom said "wh-what?" y/n, you need to get up, you need to go" aunt Cassy said. Get up? go? go where? why would I want to go? they're all I had, they died, but they're here now, "I don't want to go, you're all I have left, don't make me go" I could feel hot tears run down my face "you've got Jason" go, go home to him" they want me to leave them? it's like mom's cancer all over again

"Jason needs you" get up" they just keep telling me to get up, to go home. But I don't want to lose them again "I CAN'T lose you two again" I was now balling, "I just can't go through that again, please, don't make me go" I tried reaching for them but my back, it hurt too much too even move. "y/n, you need to go" get up, Jason needs you" I couldn't comprehend why they wanted me to go, they kept telling  me to go with smiles on their faces, like they were happy to see me but needed me to go. But I wasn't having it "But I need you" 

Then I felt a sharp pain in my left leg, snapping me back into reality. I'm still captured, my leg, and probably some ribs, are broken, my breathing got heavy and it was just hard to breathe in general. "sweetheart, go" you can't stay here" they're right, I have to get out of here

~end of dream~

I woke with a gasp, sitting straight up on... a bed? I wasn't in the warehouse anymore, there was a big glass door in front of me, big wood double doors to my left, it was a very nice room but not Joker's style. "where am I?" I mumble out loud, I went to get up but everything hurt and I'm not exaggerating, literally, EVERYTHING hurt, it was pain I had never felt before and it hurt like he** so I laid back down against the bed. I didn't relax though, I was on high alert while I waited for my healing to work its magic 

I must have fallen asleep because I groggily woke up to the sound of pages of a book being flipped. My vision was blurry, probably because my body is using all its energy to heal, but I could make out a figure in a chair to my left. He oddly looked familiar, even though he's sitting, I could tell he was tall. My vision kept clearing up till I had normal vision again, the man was older, messy deep brown hair and tanned skin. I groaned as I tried to sit up, I hurt less but I was still sore, the man's head snapped up from his book and like the Flash, was at my side

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice riddled with concern and worry. Although he's a complete stranger, I wasn't afraid or even unsettled, somehow...I "Wh-who are you?" I asked stuttering because of the pain "please Achira, just be still, you were badly injured" Wait did he just call me Achira?


y/n was running, running as fast as her little five-year-old legs could run. She ran through the house she grew up in, in the distance you could hear a male voice call out "get back here you little goober!! you need shoes!" as he ran after his daughter. y/n just giggled as she kept running, she ran down the stairs then through the living room, she then hid behind the couch as she tried to be as quiet as she possibly could. She covered her mouth when she heard footsteps come her way

"come out, come out, wherever you are" he sang out, y/n couldn't help but giggle thinking her dad wouldn't be able to find her but little did she know he heard her laugh. He propped himself on the couch on his knees, then leaning over he grabbed the little girl making her squeal "ah ha! I got you Achira!!" he laughed out as he plopped a giggly y/n and himself on the couch "now, lets put these shoes on, huh?" he said reaching for her feet, y/n sigh "fine" in defeat as she let her dad slip on her shoes

"hey dad?" y/n asked, he just hummed in response while tieing a shoelace "why do you call me Achira?" well y/n, in Arabic that name means fast, swift, quick, and you, my little Achria, are all those things and more"....

Jay's Girl (Jason Todd/ Redhood x Batfamily x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now