Chapter 10

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Alright so sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I've been really busy with work and school..and ugh. I'm also thinking about ending this story within the next few chapters, just because I don't really know where I'm going with this anymore and I'm getting kinda bored with it. But I do plan on writing another Spiderman story in the near future so theres that. I haven't quite decided if the Avengers will be in it or not, but they most likely will be. So yeah. yay thanks for continuing to read!!! :) 

Harry stepped up to the door of the Parker residence, and knocked against the glass storm door of the small house. He didn’t bother telling Sharp where he was going but had brought a few of the HYDRA guards with him in case there was some sort of secret Avengers guard on Peter’s aunt. He doubted that they were smart enough to think that far ahead but he’d rather be safe than dead.

The door opened and there was Aunt May, just as Harry remembered her. Her slightly greying  brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail to keep it out of her kind face.

She smiled when she saw him, “Harry! It’s been so long dear!” She opened the door and welcomed him into her quaint little home and embraced him into a hug.

Harry smiled, “Thanks Aunt May.”

Aunt May showed him into the living room, “Well, Peter isn’t here at the moment, he’s been interning at Stark Industries and I guess he and Tony have been working on something big all day and night.”

“That’s one way to put it.” Harry smiled mischievously, “I actually wanted to talk to you Aunt May.”

“Oh, it’s not about my Peter is it? He’s not in any trouble is he?” Aunt May and Harry sat down on the tan sofa, facing one another.

Harry looked down, “Well actually that’s what I’m here to tell you, Aunt May. Peter Parker isn’t he you think he his.”

Aunt May looked taken aback, “What do you mean?”

“He’s Spiderman and it’s all his fault that his parents are dead, and that Gwen died on that clocktower, and that I was sent to prison.”

Aunt May sighed, concern threaded through her voice, “Harry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Aunt May stood up, slowly reaching behind her for the lamp on the table beside the sofa, “Harry dear, we need to call someone. You need help.”

“No, YOU need help. You can see the truth!” Harry laughed maniacally, “I told Peter that I wouldn’t kill you, but since you don’t seem to walk to listen to me, I’m afraid I have no other choice. I can’t have you going to the Avengers and telling them how crazy I am.”

Harry could hear the guards that were waiting outside start surrounding the house, whispering orders and commands through the comms system that they were all wearing.

“Harry, honey, you don’t have to do anything. Let’s just talk about all this nonsense about Spiderman and the Avengers...” Aunt May trailed off, and grasped the lamp behind her, ready to defend herself, of at least attempt to.

Outside, there were shouts, screaming, and gunfire. Harry glanced outside the window to see what was going on, in his second of distraction. Aunt May swung the lamp from behind her and slammed it into the side of Harry’s head. He went out cold.

Aunt May dropped the lamp out of shock of what she just did, she didn’t notice the commotion outside had died down and someone had busted down her door. When she finally looked up at her door, Captain America was there, glancing from Harry’s unconscious body to Aunt May and the bloody lamp on the ground at her feet.

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