Chapter 24

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The high school was decorated with fake cobwebs and plastic spiders from head to toe. Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, and Emma walked into the school together. Emma loved her outfit. It was a black lace romper with a black silky overcoat that touched the floor. Stefan didn't like it, but Emma didn't care.

Right when they entered, Caroline ran over to a group of girls and started talking to them.

"We are going to get punch, we will be right back," Elena said as her and Bonnie went over to the punch table, leaving Emma and her Grandpa behind. It was weird to be this close with four people that she was obsessed with since she was 12. It has only been two and a half months, but they all felt like family, and some of them actually were.

"How's it going with Elena?" Emma asked her Grandpa. He just gave her a side look, and then looked back to scoping the crowd. Elena told him how she passed out earlier, and he freaked out. First, he wanted to call 911, than after Emma said no, he wanted to compel a doctor to check her, and when she said no to that, than he said she couldn't go to the Halloween party. She also said no to that, and told him she was going to go dead or alive. He was a little mad at her. Well his exact words were, "I am not mad at you, just disappointed."

"Fine," he said to Emma's question. Emma started looking around the room too, and saw a guy wearing the exact black hoodie that she saw in her head when she passed out.. Emma's breathe hiked.

 She couldn't see who it was under the hood, but she new it couldn't be good. Ever since they figured out the Desi Muth can possess people, everyone was at risk. Emma turned to Stefan and poked his arm. He didn't turn toward her, so she just slapped him in the chest.

"Hey, something is going on!" Emma scream/whispered. Stefan turned to her fast with eyes filled with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked and rested his right hand on her shoulder.

"This is going to sound weird, but when I passed out, I had a vision of a guy trying to attack us and he was wearing this hoody, the exact same one that the guy over there is wears," Emma said as she motioned to the behind Stefan with a nod of her head.

Stefan turned around a little bit, to get a glance of him. They both could not see his face, but Stefan must have saw something that Emma didn't because his face dropped. 

"We have to go," he said and grabbed her arm, "I need to get you out of here, and then I'll come back for the girls."

He led Emma through the hallways to the doors that led them to the busway, "What is going on?" Emma asked, getting more confused.

"He was whispering your name, on repeat," he said, as Stefan and her weaved their way through the busses, sadly not fast enough.

In front of them emerged the man in the black hoody, and in his right hand he held a stake. He used his left hand to pull his hoodie back. Emma let out a gasp when she saw who it was: Mayor Lockwood, but his eyes were red. He was possessed.

"Hello there my love," he said and started walking closer to them.

"What are you doing? He is just human, he can't hurt us," Emma said as Stefan put himself in front of her.

"Oh, I know a human can't hurt you, but a newly transitioned vampire might have a little more luck. And, it's not you I want to hurt, but you to hurt him. Or else," Desi Muth said through Mayor Lockwood. Emma's pulse increased. Desi Muth transitioned the Mayor, just to get back at her.

"I won't hurt him," Emma said, with her eyebrows creased.

"If you don't, I will, and all of your friends," Desi Muth said, and than ran at them with his stake, and just like that, Emma's vision came true. Stefan staked the Mayor. Mayor Lockwood was dead, meaning so much was about to be set in motion.

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