Chapter 11

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It has been a few days since the whole Damon trying to kill Emma and opening the tomb fiasco. These days were probably the most normal that Mads has had in awhile. Bonnie knows she is a witch now and has talked to Gram's about it. She knows that Emma and Mads are as well. They have all been hanging out a lot recently and practicing. Damon hasn't made an appearance in a few days, which worried Madeline until Emma told her of the spell that she put on him.

Currently, Madeline was sleeping in as it was a weekend. Emma and her finally had their own rooms, because Gram's converted her office space into an extra bedroom (Emma currently sleeps in there). Madeline's head rested against a hard pillow. It was warm, and really comfortable. She was half asleep, so no alarms were going off in her head that this "pillow" was out of the ordinary. Her neck felt a little uncomfortable, so she moved her hand up to try to move the pillow around a little. Right when her hand touched the lower abdomen of Damon Salvatore, she jumped up with a fright.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" Madeline asked as she retreated to the other side of the bed. How long has he been there?

"You were dreaming about me, I can tell by the drool," he replied as he put his arms behind his neck and crossed his legs a little. Madeline grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

 "Get out of my bed!" Madeline yelled. Damon jumped off the bed with ease and walked over to her dresser drawer.

"You should start packing," Damon said as he opened her drawers and started rummaging through them.

"And why is that?" Madeline asked not awake enough to bicker with Damon.

"Well you see, you psychopathic friend slash my niece put a spell on me, as you well know. She will only take it off if I find out what a passenger is, so I started my research with the Gilbert Journal," He replied as he pulled out the journal from his back pocket.

"Hey!" Madeline yelled as she snatched back the journal from Damon's hands, "I lost that a few days ago! The Library has been on my ass."

"There was a part in the book about a man named James Buchanan Duke who was known for his supernatural research," Damon preached.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" Madeline asked.

"Because our man Jamie here founded Duke university, the same school that our dear old teacher's wife did her research at, the same research that led her to me," Damon said as his attention went back to the dresser drawers, "so we are going on a road trip to Duke to look into it, so pack up."

"Wait right now?" Madeline asked trying to conceptualize everything that was just thrown at her.

"Yes," he stated as he pulled out one of Madeline's red lacy underwears, "You should pack these," he said with a wink.

Madeline ran over and ripped the underwear out of his hands, "Damon get out of my room," but in her mind she said Damon take me to bed.

"Fine fine fine, I can tell when I am not wanted. But pack up, chop chop, we leave in one hour," he said as he zoomed to Gram's kitchen to bother Emma who was making Mac and Cheese, "You know that is a very unhealthy breakfast?"

Emma did not hear him come in and so jumped with fright, "Damon, jees, way to scare a girl."

"When I see a girl I will let you know," He said as he took her spoon and took a bite of the Mac n Cheese.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still pining over your lost love and the fact you can't kill anyone anymore." Emma claimed as she ripped her spoon out of Damon's hands.

"Well, I am done pining over that bitch, and have moved on to a bigger and better life."

"Um, what's your definition of a bigger and better life?" Emma said.

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