Chapter 16

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 Emma hated waking up this early, but Caroline needed help setting up the Fundraiser Car Wash. It was 6 A.M. and she felt dead. The dream she had last night didn't help at all.

She ran down the stairs in a black bikini, a tank top cover-up, and jean shorts and into the kitchen. She grabbed a apple and left a quick note for Gram's telling her where she was going:

Dear My Favorite Woman in the Worlds,

I am going to help Caroline with the Carwash really early today, so don't be confused if you wake up and I am not there. I wuv you!!!!

Emma grabbed her bag and was walking to the front door when she heard a knock. She had no idea who would come to her house this early in the morning. She opened the door and saw Stefan standing there with two coffees. He stretched his hand and handed her one. Emma looked really confused.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked while wrinkling her eyebrows.

"I am driving you to the car wash," Stefan said, while Emma hesitantly grabbed the coffee from his hand.

"But you and Elena don't have to be there until 10. That's in four hours," Emma said as she stepped outside and closed the front door behind her.

"I know, I just wanted to drive you," Stefan said while standing to the side of her as they started walking to his car.

"You know I have a motorcycle and I could have drove myself," Emma said.

"Did you know that 32,000 people a year die from motorcycle incidences. Me driving you is safer," Emma just let out a huge laugh.

"Wow, your taking the Grandpa thing to heart. You're being all protective and such. You and my Dad would not get along at all. He loves motorcycles," Emma said.

"I am not," Stefan said being all defensive and such.

"When did you google the motorcycle statistics?" Emma asked.

"Ummmmm, last night," he said in a whisper, knowing I caught him in that act of being over protective.

"See, you are being all paternal. But, just letting you know, I am going to continue to ride my motorcycle," Emma replied, which just earned a head shake from Stefan.

"What if I buy you a car?" Stefan asked. Emma just shook her head. She likes him being protective, but she didn't want him inhibiting what she loves doing. If he comments on her clothes or boys she might just lose it.

"No, I am fine, plus I am 18 and Mads is 19. We are adults and can make our own decisions," Emma replied. She told Stefan that her and Mads were not related, and that they were just best friends.

"I know, I just haven't had children before, or even grandkids so it is just so new to me," Stefan said, "Just think about it."

"Okay," Emma nodded, knowing that this was new for the both of them, and Stefan was only asking because he cared, "Now, where is your car?"

"Right here," Stefan motioned toward his iconic red car. Emma let out a scream.

"Oh My Gosh!!!!!" She yelled and ran to the hood of the car and gave it a huge hug.

While she was laying on the hood, Stefan just gave her a confused look. He probably thought she was crazy, but didn't say anything about it, "What are you doing?" he asked.

Emma stood up and walked over to him all seriously, "If you are ever being hunted down by a crazy vampire hunter, please don't set this car on fire, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, sure," He said slowly just shaking his head in slow nodd, "Should I know what that means?"

"Nope, not at all," Emma said. Stefan was kind of used to these weird comments Emma still hasn't told him that she watched his whole life unfold on TV, "Can I drive?" she asked.

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