Chapter 7

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Emma went upstairs to sleep (cry) after seeing her mom. She realized she lost her double infinity necklace, which made her even more mad. She had no idea why she couldn't do magic anymore. Madeline stayed downstairs with Damon to "watch him" but we all know it was just to stare at his body. Damon was laying on the cement ground complaining as usual.

"And you not going to give me a blanket or a mattress, this body is too perfect to sleep like a homeless man," Damon complained as he stared at the ceiling.

"You should have thought about that before you killed someone," Madeline claimed as she pretended to look at her phone.

 "I am vampire, hun. It's what I do," Damon said matter of factly, "So, I am not related to you too, right?"

"No, Emma is just my best friend. We decided it would be better to pretend to be twins," Madeline said.

"Well that's good, I might be a killer but incest is not my thing," he smirked his sexy smirk, which Mads felt to her toes, "The only thing I don't understand is, well everything my little niecy said. Worlds? How do you know so much about me? Passengers?"

"Well that is for me to know and you to dot dot dot," Mads said, quoting him without him knowing. Madeline felt bad for Emma, but at least she saw her Mom. Mads really missed her family and knowing she is a Mikelson kind of freaks her out a little. She had no idea how she fit into their family, but she really wanted to figure out. Mads stood up and grabbed a blanket and threw it at Damon. The boundary spell is one way, you can go in but can't get out, "here you go, I am going to sleep on this bean bag to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"If you want to stare at me sleeping, just say so. I can't really blame you, have you seen my body: flawless," he joked as he closed his eyes. Madeline just shook her head, but didn't reply. She got comfortable in the bean bag and started falling asleep. She thought her first overnight with Damon 

Would be under different circumstances, naked circumstances, but she couldn't complain. That night she slept, dreaming some X-rated thoughts about Damon.


Stefan was the first one to hear the screams for help. When he got back to the woods he saw Vicki almost drained of blood, and Coach Tanner dead. Jeremy was luckily there with him, and picked Vicki up.

"Bring her to the party and call 911! Now!" Stefan screamed as Jeremy ran with Vicki in his arms.

Stefan had a feeling that a vampire was in town, but now he was certain. Was it Damon? Or someone else? He just wanted to keep Elena safe, but another vampire would for sure hinder that. As he was following Jeremy out of the woods, he noticed something glistening on the ground. He kneeled to the ground and pushed some branches and leaves out of the way. He picked up the shiny object, which ended up being a necklace, and a necklace that he knew pretty well.

It was a golden, double infinity necklace. One that is an exact replica to his friend Emma. As he held it in his hand he knew that she was here, and started wondering if the vampire in town was closer to him than he once believed.


The weekend went by fast. Madeline spent most of the time In the basement, while Emma spent most of her time with Caroline. Caroline asked (forced) Emma to join the cheerleading team, much to Emma's dismay. Damon and Madeline bickered most of the time, but sometimes they had actual conversations. Madeline tried not telling him how much she knew about his past, because she didn't want to freak him out more than she already had. Emma didn't want to see her uncle. She was kind of mad at him for no reason. Mads could kind of tell Damon was a little upset that his only living relative in this world seemed to want nothing to do with him.

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