Chapter Eighteen ... Rogues

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We stepped through the portal Philip created after leaving the gaelies camp, we dressed and allowed Philip to magic us dry

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We stepped through the portal Philip created after leaving the gaelies camp, we dressed and allowed Philip to magic us dry. His portal felt different than the one summoned by the bottled wish, Philip's portal felt tight, and it wasn't like walking through something, it was a sucking sensation, like being flushed down a toilet, and spat out.

"What's happening?" Stone asked, as soon as we were ejected out of the Portal, standing in front of the packhouse. Stone looked around, there wasn't a soul in sight, I knew we were on alert, undoubtedly everyone except for the warriors and other high ranking fighters was hidden away. "Arthur is leading the men to the northern border, Lucas little Stone is out there, Angel, go inside, your mom is expecting you." Stone said, his eyes turning pitch black as he attuned into the pack-link.

"What the hell is my son doing i the middle of a rogue war?" I asked, "Miro took control, forced his shift and is leading a group headed to the east, rogues are all around us; I don't have the time to explain everything, I'm going to go find our son, then I'm gonna end this. I need you to go inside." He said, snatching off his shirt, preparing to shift. "I'm going with you," I said.

Stone turned on me, and I swear Jaz and I whimpered at the same time. "I will not repeat myself, you're carrying our pup, get in that house and stay there, or when this is over I won't hesitate to punish you. Go!" He barked, and I turned, hating myself for obeying, but knowing he was right.

"He'll be fine, both of them. Come on, I'll get you inside with your mom and Lucinda, then I'll go help in the fight." Philip said, but I didn't feel all that better, Philip was powerful but he couldn't be everywhere, and there were rogues, a pack of them, clearly more than seventy wolves, where'd they even come from.

#   #   #

I was treading the floors of the mansion basement style panic room, there was anything one could need in the room, including games, food, clothes, and meds. Lucy and my mom were off sitting somewhere, with Stone's mom. 

Omega were here and there, children sat quiet, some were too small to realize what was going on, others looked on the verge of tears. One child sat unmoving, staring at his hands. Soren. 

His mother was beside him, I could see her, trying to engage him in conversation, but he wouldn't say more than a few words. I understood him perfectly, he was a child, but he was also the first child to have an adult wolf, an adult wolf whose estranged mate was out fighting in what could be a deadly battle. 

I assume he felt what I was feeling, sadness, after all of that had happened in the months since my return to Brickston, I found myself sad. Sad that I might lose my child, sad that I might lose...  that I might lose Stone, as I paced, I kept replaying scenes from my times with both my mate and my son. 

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