Chapter Sixteen... Into The Woods

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There the four of us sat

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There the four of us sat.

We were at the packhouse, inside Stone's office. Less than thirty minutes prior, Stone and Arthur had gone to talk to the Elders.  Most of the Elders had been asleep, but the youngest of the Elders, Elder Roth was awake and seemed to be most interested in our problem.

He sat across the room on one side, while Chey and Arthur were seated directly next to him, and Stone and I were seated at Stone's mahogany desk. "Alpha you said your pup had a dream, in which he and the Omega Soren were mated?" The gray-haired Elder asked.

"Yes, but even before the whole dream business, Stone and Soren had this weird connection, they don't act like two kids who are just close. I mean, take the fights, for example, Soren submitted to Stone, we all saw him bear his neck, even though Stone surrendered." Stone explained.

"Yes, I see what you mean, is that all?" Elder Roth asked.

"No, when I was training Soren, we were going to go into the swamps, Soren was afraid and I asked him what would Stone do... He turned around and asked if I was talking about my Stone or his, there's a number of reasons why we believe they may actually have been destined." I added.

"Well, before we decide what to do about the wolf of eine (hell) we'll have to know for certain if they were destined, mates." Said Roth.

"How?" Asked Arthur. "I'll take a vision quest, I'll pose the question to the goddess and after I drink the questing tea, we'll have our answer. Then we'll go from there." The Elder said, pinching the bridge of his rather long nose.

"How long will the vision quest take?" I asked, "Luckily the golden aconite is in bloom, I'll get some, and a few other herbs from the greenhouse, brewing the tea should take no more than twenty minutes. Then perhaps an hour after that, you'll have your answer." The wizened wolf said.

"Good, the sooner we know the truth, the sooner we can decide what to do," I said.

#   #   #

"So we just wait?" Cheyenne asked, pacing the room. "Bug! Come have a seat!" Arthur snapped, and Cheyenne growled.

"Don't shout at me, you heard exactly what Elder Shore told us when Soren first came back from the woods. That wolf inside him is going to cause him much grief." She cried, walking and sitting in her mate's lap.

"That wolf killed our pup, murdered our real pup... And now they want to bring it into the world?!!" Cheyenne yelled, gesturing towards Stone and me.

"Wait a minute! We aren't doing anything the kids are, your child included!" I snapped.

"Furthermore, if Roth says they were destined to be mates, then I'll fully support my child's decision," Stone added.

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