Chapter Twenty Two ... Six years Later

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All in all, I haven't regretted my decision

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All in all, I haven't regretted my decision. I and Stone are blessed, we are beautifully in love and expecting our third child, hopefully, a girl, not that I mind my boys. Little Stone is growing up nicely, twelve going on thirteen, he and Soren are waiting until Stone's birthday, then they are officially allowed to date. My little Omega Charlie just turned six, he's nothing like I was as a kid, so mouthy and sassy, Stone says it's the Alpha blood in him.

My father hasn't yet come around to forgiving Stone, but they are cordial with one another. Lucy forgave him after she gave birth to Jaka, the potential Beta hasn't shown any signs of having powers like his Enchanted father, but Phil is hopeful. I wasn't sure I was Luna material, but now there is nothing I want more.

Luna is a wonde, and life is full of ups and downs, heartache and joy, misery and passion. That's what my life with Stone has been, and now looking back on it all, I wouldn't change a damn thing.

The End




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