Chapter Twenty ... Sunrise Battle

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I awoke just after the sun rose, Stone hadn't woken me before he left

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I awoke just after the sun rose, Stone hadn't woken me before he left. Laying there I thought about the last time I awoke alone in Stone's bed, that time he broke my heart with rejection, laying there I felt like he'd break my heart again; a heart that wasn't very strong, to begin with.

I climbed out of bed, I spotted my jeans, slipping them on. I wasn't in the mood to wear a shirt, I simply left his suite and headed down the stairs. I could feel Stone, it's strange and hard to explain, but for me, it felt like a presence, like I was being watched, only I wasn't nervous or defensive, I felt protected.

 {I'm safe Angel } I smiled hearing Stone's thought. { So everyone's okay? } I thought back. { We're watching them, we may not fight them. Find Phil, see how he's doing } He requested, and I shut the link.

The packhouse was quiet, everyone was hidden away in their bunkers, we were on high alert. Philip was found in the war room, which had been set up for his spell. He was seated on the podium, his hands were raised over his head, his palms facing each other. Pale yellow energy burned in between his hands. Approaching him I realized I probably wouldn't be able to speak with him, he was entranced.

His eyes were entirely rolled back, and he kept muttering the same phrases. "Tcennoc eht egdirb." He repeated it over and over, his voice a whispering echo bouncing off the walls.

I didn't want to interrupt him, but Stone needed the information, so I called over to Phil, I called his name twice with no sign that he could hear me, so I called him again. "Philip!" I said, raising my voice to an almost shrill level. His eyes rolled back into the normal position, he looked around and spotted me, the pale energy was still between his hands, but the intensity dropped slowly

"I need focus, Lucas," Phil said, clearly irritated that I interrupted his spell. "Stone wants to know how much longer the wall will be down," I explained. "Tell him I'm close, maybe another forty minutes," Phil said just before his eyes rolled back again, and he was back to muttering the same phrases. "Tcennoc eht egdirb." 

I turned to leave him but painting a picture of Stone in my head, wanting him to hear my thoughts. { You have a little more than a half-hour, please be safe } I said, waiting for his response while going to find my son.





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