Chapter Three ... The Luna's Return

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Six almost seven years had passed since the morning I rejected my mate since I rejected real happiness

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Six almost seven years had passed since the morning I rejected my mate since I rejected real happiness.

If you'd told me that morning, that I'd regret that decision, I would've laughed. There's no excuse for what I did, but it wasn't a mistake... Okay, it was and it wasn't.

At the time my logic was wrong, the people I hung around with were wrong, most of'em still are. I hung around, childish and homophobic people.

I allowed their opinions of me to go to my head, they put me on a pedestal, we were a bunch of little fucks and I didn't want anything to ruin it ... So immature.

All these years later, I've surrounded myself with the kids I was too good for growing up.

My Beta is Arthur, he was a nerd growing up, but he went through a sorta change when he found his mate.

The guy I ragged on for years, turned out to be the greatest friend I ever had.

I've grown immensely since then, matured. I'd say my maturity is what kept me from going to find my mate.

I'd broken his heart, I broke him, what could I say, what could I do. Hell, I'm still with Nancy, I'm still lying to my pack, so I guess I'm not as mature as I like to tell myself.

My wolf Falken changed also, he's stronger, more vicious, and at the time, he didn't listen to me as much.

He took control whenever he wanted.

So I secluded myself away, barely coming in contact with my people, my parents were even avoiding me.

The only people who actually still deal with me, are Arthur and Nancy.

Arthur doesn't stop coming around, even on the days where I'm begging to just die.

He forces me to pray, I don't know if Luna listens to me, I don't know why she would, I deserve to suffer.

Like always that day plays back in my mind, the day my parents came back from seeing Lucas's.

I thought he'd snitched, but it was worse, he left, ran away.

I was still smug, thinking it for the best. Then he started haunting my dreams, then his scent kept popping up, I could still smell him.

I remember thinking he hadn't gone far, I thought he was just somewhere in the dense woods, but when I went to check it out.

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