Chapter 1

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Madeline Becker and Emma Clark always though of themselves as normal. I would bet that even after everything that happened, something deep down would still tell them that. They lived a normal teenage life: obsessed over hot celebrities, went to college occasionally hungover, had hobbies, and even developed turrets when talking to hot guys

......Well that was more Emma.

    It started off as a normal day in Emma's basement. They were always there, either watching TV (which usually involved Mads sitting on the floor right in front of it, making weird noises whenever a hot guy appeared) or were dancing to Amy Schumer. That day in particular, Mads and Emma were watching The Vampire Diaries, the one show they were both addicted to, in almost an unhealthy way.

"If this show was only real..." Emma said to Madeline as she slumped back against the couch.

"I would have pounced on Damon already," Madeline agreed.

"No, you would have kidnapped him and kept him in your basement and used him as your personal sex toy," Emma replied, knowing very well how crazy Madeline was. If Madeline had the opportunity, Ian Somerhalder would be a goner.

Madeline just gave her an evil smile, and retired her gaze back to the TV. The next few minutes were in silence. Emma was basically assaulting Klaus with her eyes, and Madeline was in her own little world. She had an idea, and I was both crazy and unrealistic. Usually Emma was the crazy unrealistic one, and Madeline was crazy and borderline homicidial (not really, but also very true).

"Okay, I have a stupid idea," Madeline said and turned to face Emma. It took Emma a second to rare her eyes away from Klaus "Impregnat Me Now" Mikaelson. Instead of responding, Emma just stared at her, "This is gonna sound weird, somewhat childish and somewhat cultish, but how do you feel about making a fake spell that would get us into the Vampire Diaries world. It is Summer solstice, why not do it. It would be really dorky, but fun." Mads said. She was right, it was a little dorky, but Emma's done weirder.

"Usually I would say no, and that you should see a therapist, but summer classes actually hate me and any distraction is welcome," Emma responded. Emma and Madeline were both sophomores in college. Madeline was going the Criminal justice/Physics route while Emma was in Nursing school. They were both 19, but there maturity tighter was that of an orange.

"Awesome!!" Madeline squealed as she jumped off the couch, "I'll go get some herbs and stuff and you can right the spell!"

And with that, Madeline went upstairs and grabbed some random herbs, and Emma wrote a spell. They both met in the basement, which Emma decorated with candles. Emma went through a phase in high-school where she bought way too many candles at Yankee Candle, but never used them.

"You actually went all out," Madeline nodded as she admired Emma's work.

"I don't half ass anything. If we are going to be the fan obsessed equivalent to Bon Bon than we got to do it right," Emma quipped back as she brushed her blonde hair behind her shoulder.

They stood in the center of the circle and held hands. They both thought this spell was a joke, just a pastime. Something they could comment in the future about how stupid they were. Kind of like the time Madeline made them walk 2 miles drunk while doing accents the whole time.

They started chanting the spell. First nothing happened. Emma was going to pull away, but Mads kept a tight hold on her arm. So, Emma kept chanting. Soon the candles began to flicker. They both had their eyes closed, so they did not notice. What they did notice was the shaking of the walls, which followed next. They opened their eyes to see everything flying around. They tried letting go of each others hands, but it was pointless because everything went black

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