Chapter Twenty (UPDATED)

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Opening her eyes was difficult, they felt heavy and the lights too bright. Groggily Lex realised she couldn't move, struggling a bit she managed to move her leg, but it was like walking through treacle. Starting to panic a bit, she tried to move her other limbs, finding the same issue.

"Hey, Hey, calm down Sweetheart you're ok, you're ok" the voice was soothing and familiar, too familiar.

Her foggy brain couldn't place the voice but rejected it, associating it with pain "No don't... Leave me alone" she moaned, struggling against the hands holding her shoulders down onto the bed.

"It's ok, calm down, you're ok" Bones tried again, but Lex continued to struggle against him with her eye's half closed "Nurse bring me a sedative" he shouted over his shoulder.

"No!" Lex shouted finally, wrenching her eyes open and shoving him off her with a sudden burst of unexpected strength.

Bones stepped hastily backwards, his hands held up at his sides, unconsciously still trying to calm her. Lex glared at him swinging her legs over the side of the bed "Did you sedate me?" she demanded.

"You needed to rest" he responded calmly.

"What I needed was not to wake up in a semi paralysed state, I react badly to artificially being put to sleep you know that" She dropped her feet to the floor, her knees almost buckling.

"It was necessary" he said curtly "When was the last time you got any real sleep? Hell, when was the last time you ate anything?"

"It's none of your business" Lex ground out, ripping the IV from her arm with a wince.

"The hell it's not, I won't watch you do this to yourself" he shouted at her, two nearby nurses exchanging frightened glances and scurrying out of earshot.

"Don't try and pretend you care" Lex sneered, taking an unsteady step towards the door.

Bones leapt in front her "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Back to my quarters, get out of my way Bones" she growled threateningly.

He started at the use of his nickname, it had been a long time since she'd called him that, having switched to Leonard shortly after they started dating.

"Get back on that bed now, that's an order, you need rest" he pointed to the bed behind her, stepping closer and towering over her.

Taking another step forward, she glared up at him with unbridled hostility "Shove your orders, I'll rest in my quarters as far away from you as I can get"

Bones felt as if she'd slapped him, shocked he stepped backwards without thinking, giving her the opportunity to dodge past him to the doors.

"Get back here now" he bellowed as she exited Med Bay.

Dashing out into the corridor he watched as Lex weaved her way across to the opposite wall, leaning on it weakly for support.

Striding over to her incandescent with rage, he froze a step away from her, his insides feeling as if they'd been plunged into icy water, as he heard her let out a loud sob and watched her sink down onto her knees.

Bending down next to her his heart broke at the tortured expression on her face "I just need to sleep" she whispered "I can't... I can't without... please don't sedate me again"

Reaching out he pulled her into his arms, cradling her against his chest he stroked her hair away from her face soothingly "I promise I won't"

Lex wanted to resist, she didn't want him to touch her, it hurt too much, but she was too tired to fight. Sagging into his chest, she sighed inhaling deeply, his scent calming her.

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