Chpater Seventeen (UPDATED)

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The sounds of the band and the reception faded in the background, as Lex and Bones kissed on the dancefloor, no longer even swaying on the spot.

A small cough sounded from next to them, reminding them both that they were in public. Breaking apart with a jerk, the sounds of the wedding came rushing back, louder than before.

"Could you two at least attempt to keep it in your pants until later. You have got our apartment to yourselves don't forget" Ida smirked at her sister, as Lex turned bright red.

Bones chuckled, though also slightly flushed, making sure to keep Lex planted firmly in front of him, hiding the indisputable evidence that he'd enjoyed that kiss far more than he should have "Sorry Ida we'll behave"

Lex shot him an astonished look, baffled by his sudden compliance.

Ida snorted catching the look on Lex's face "Like hell you will. Just take it somewhere more private though yeah, it's a big old house, lots of dark corners and doors with locks, I'm sure you'll think of something" and with a wink she strolled back to her new husband, a huge grin across her face.

Lex watched her go with a shocked expression, which transformed to a wicked smiled in an instant "Ok you win, come with me"

Grabbing his hand, she led him backwards off the dancefloor, taking the long way back to the house, to avoid as many people as possible.

Bones chuckled as she rushed to get back inside "Shame I can't keep the beard, I rather like the effect it seems to have on you"

Laughing she turned back to him, continuing to walk backwards she kept her gaze trained on his face "Just bear it in mind whenever we have shore leave" she winked at him.

"Done" he smirked "Where are we going?" he asked as they entered the reception venue.

Lex made a beeline for a small private sitting room she and Ida had used earlier to touch up their makeup, knowing it had a nice comfy couch and a nice secure lock on the door.

Breaking into a slow run, as best she could in her heels, she dragged him through the wedding breakfast room laughing "We're doing as we're told and finding somewhere a little more private"

Dashing across the large entrance hall, she led him down a tight hallway off the kitchens, giggling as he grabbed her from behind. Pulling her back against his chest and wrapping his arms around her waist "Come here" he grunted in her ear, twisting her round in his arms and finding her lips with his own.

Lex continued to back them towards the door slightly further down the hall, her hands already busy on the buttons of his shirt. Bones chuckled against her lips, grinding himself against her as they edged slowly backwards until they hit the door.

They stayed there for a moment Bones pinning her to the door with his hips, as Lex continued to undo the buttons of his shirt, making out like horny teenagers.

Ripping his mouth from hers, he dropped his lips to her neck, placing hot open-mouthed kisses along the delicate skin. Making her sigh and gasp as he nipped gentling with his teeth. Groping sideways Lex located the door handle and turned it, realising as the door started to swing open that the room was already occupied. Glancing sideways as the unmistakable sounds of people having sex caught her attention, Lex's eyes widened in horror as she recognised both parties.

Yanking the door closed before Bones could fully raise his head to look into the room, confused by her reaction, she couldn't be sure how much he'd seen.

"Oh whoops, looks like this room's taken"

"Was that Jim?" Bones asked with a frustrated scowl.

"Was it?" Lex added airily, trying desperately to keep her voice even, while internally thinking shit, shit, shit.

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