Chapter Nine (UPDATED)

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It was a struggle to get him to leave his office at first, it took a call to Jim to secure a week's duty leave to enable her to stay with him, to lure him back to his quarters.

Bones was concerned with both of them out at the same time, Med Bay would be short staffed again, but the desire to spend time with her after a long three months apart won out in the end.

Jim was only too ready to agree, anything to stop Bones from terrorizing the medical staff. She suspected it was also somewhat of an apology for the loss of Nurse Chapel, but if he thought that let him off Scott free, he was going to be sorely disappointed.

The break hadn't been a bad one and would heal within a week with their advanced medical techniques, it still horrified Lex when she discovered in the twentieth century they would pop a cast on and leave it to heal naturally which would take six-eight weeks. Now they only used the cast to allow the bone to rest and strengthen but it was already healed technically, staying on for only a week or 2 at most but Bones still needed to stay off it during that time. Once he realised she intended to stay with him day and night to ensure he did just that, Bones cheered immensely.

He became much less happy however, when on arrival at his quarters Lex abruptly shoved him into a nearby chair and removed both his PADD and crutches.

"Hey, give me those back, I've got reports to file dammit" he attempted to stand, but was roughly shoved backwards by Lex, who was in no mood to tolerate his toddler like behaviour.

"Right now, you are going to rest and recuperate and do as you're told or else" Lex glared fiercely at him.

Bones scoffed "Or else what?"

"Or else..." Lex began, leaning down slowly until she was face to face with Bones, her hands on the arms of the chair either side of him, a warning in her voice "I'll make you"

Stepping back from the chair, Lex folded her arms across her chest, a dangerous smirk on her face and eyes narrowed in challenge.

Bones raised a single eyebrow, a look of curiosity on his face "Go on then Sweetheart, show me what you've got" He leant back in the chair grinning widely, clearly expecting it to be an empty threat.

Lex shrugged "Ok, you asked for it" Striding back to the door, she retrieved her bag from where she'd dumped unceremoniously on arrival.

Depositing it on the coffee table she moved between it and Bones, so he couldn't see what was inside when she opened it. The chair creaked behind her, clearly he was attempting to look around her, but when she shot a quick glance backwards he subsided guiltily, looking anywhere but in her direction.

After her second month on planet, Lex had found a small shop she hadn't noticed before, not too far from the bar they'd found their first night. It contained all manner of adult diversions, some Lex couldn't have even told you the purpose off and quite frankly didn't want to know, a couple of things had caught her eye however. Bones was naturally very dominant, taking charge in Med Bay, in relationships and in bed, it came very naturally to him. Lex was curious if he'd ever be willing to relinquish that control or whether she'd have to take it. Based on the way he was behaving right now, Lex had a feeling her new purchases would come in handy, far earlier than expected.

Turning back to her reluctant patient with a small pouch in hand she started towards him, rather enjoying the slightly concerned look that crossed his face.

"What's that?" he asked warily.

"Nothing you need to worry about right now" Lex shrugged.

Without warning Lex moved to straddle his lap, her legs sliding snugly into the gap between his thighs and the wooden arms of the chair. Whipping his shirt over his head she leant forward, pressing her chest flush to his and wound her arms around his neck. Distracted by the pleasurable turn things were taking, Bones' hands automatically found her hips holding her close, his thumbs rubbing circles against the skin under her shirt.

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