Chapter Five (UPDATED)

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Three Hours later, two full hours after Bones' shift had ended, Lex found herself alone in his quarters, in his bed stark naked, completely, and utterly alone.

Mentally she slapped herself for thinking any plan Jim came up with would be a good idea. Put him in combat, and he made outrageous, lucky, and courageous decisions that saved lives, but in matters of the heart he was woefully lacking.

Her own stupidity at thinking Bones would be back straight after his shift, was also rather lacking, after all when did he ever leave Med Bay on time.

Then there was the small matter, of the fact that they'd both been pulling 12 hour shifts all week. Finding her in his bed on returning after a long shift, could be the last thing he wants. He'll probably just want to eat, shower and collapse.

Shaking her head, at her lack of sleep induced psychosis, Lex decided enough was enough. Leaping from the bed, she slipped her bra and panties back on, and was just trying to figure out where she'd flung her dress in her earlier haste, when she heard movement from the bedroom door.

"Well, now that's quite a sight to come home to" Bones chuckled.

Spinning slowly on the spot, Lex collided with the doctor's amused expression, a wide grin on his face and her uniform dress clasped in his hand held loosely at his side. Her eyes flickered down to her dress momentarily, suddenly remembering dropping it on entry, meaning Bones found it on the floor as he entered his quarters.

Following her gaze, he draped her dress over a nearby chair "Seems you lost something sweetheart" he drawled, drawing her attention back to his face.

"Errr, yeah thanks" was all she could muster, her face flaming.

"You know, if I'd have known you were waiting, I'd have made damn sure to get out on time" Bones prowled towards her slowly, like a panther stalking his prey.

Lex's mouth ran dry, unable to find her voice for once.

Stopping directly in front of her, Bones hooked his index finger under her chin, pulling her eyes up to meet his heated gaze "Looks like you were leaving sweetheart, did you get bored of waiting?"

"Not exactly" she muttered, licking her lips nervously.

"So why were you leaving?" Bones asked gently.

"Honestly" she whispered; he nodded in ascent.

"It suddenly occurred to me that after the week we've had, and the 10 hour shift you've just finished, you may just want to sleep" the words tumbled out in a rush.

Based on the way he was looking at her, scorching her insides with just his palpable presence, she didn't think for one second she was going anywhere, but wanted to give him the option.

Bones smiled slowly "The second I stepped into this room and found you half naked, any thoughts of going to bed to sleep" he emphasised the last word "flew right out the window"

"Thank god" Lex muttered, reaching up she fisted both hands in his uniform shirt, practically dragging him down to her to crash her lips to his.

Bones moaned into the kiss, ravishing her mouth feverishly, pouring every bit of frustration from the last week into it.

His strong arms wrapped around her half naked form, one sliding down her back to cup her ass through the skimpy piece of lace covering her modesty. The other fisting into her hair, holding her close and cutting off any chance of escape, not that she had any intentions of leaving anymore.

The kiss may have lasted seconds, or an eternity, Lex couldn't tell having lost all sense of time as she lost herself to him. Surrendering completely to his will, she realised belatedly that there was nothing she wouldn't let this man do.

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