Chapter Six (UPDATED)

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Star Date: 2260.188 / 06.07.2260

"Bridge to Med Bay" Lex groaned as Uhura's voice spoke through the communicator flashing on her desk.

They'd been quiet all shift long, only a few walk ins with minor injuries, easily patched up and sent on their way, she should have known it was too good to last.

Bones' head appeared around the partition at the noise, a question on his lips, shaking her head at him, Lex reached for the communicator flipping it open "This is Dr. James"

"Ensign Watson appears to have fainted, she's conscious but the captain would like someone to assess her before we move her" Uhura responded immediately.

Lex nodded, standing, and reaching for her kit "On my way"

"Sure you don't want me to take it?" Bones asked.

"No it's fine, I'd far rather you stay here and finish your reports, I want you out of here on time today" Lex narrowed her eyes at him, poking him in the chest as she reached him, on the way to the door.

He chuckled, dropping his voice as she passed "Don't worry Sweetheart, I wouldn't miss our first date for anything"

"You better not" she called over her shoulder with a wink as she left, leaving him with a wide smile across his face.

Even after they'd managed to get their shifts aligned, the Flu epidemic had continued to run rampant round the ship. Which had meant it was another 2 weeks before Med Bay was calm enough to be able to even think of leaving on time, let alone arrange the date Bones had promised her. Despite not yet having had a single date, they were already spending most nights together. Usually in his quarters but occasionally hers, depending on what times and what order they left Med Bay, at the end of their shift.

Lex smiled to herself as she entered the turbo lift thinking of last night. Despite being 9 years her senior, Bones sure had stamina. Lex was pretty certain he'd officially ruined her for all men after just a few short weeks.

Stepping out onto the bridge, she smiled warmly in Uhura's direction where she appeared to be in deep conversation with Spock. As Jim predicted Lex found Spock an interesting study even for a Vulcan, his human half showed itself more than she suspected he realised, especially when it came to his girlfriend of three years. Uhura looked up, catching her eye, and gesturing to the far side of the bridge where there were number of people clustered around a red-haired woman on the floor.

Nodding, Lex left her to return to her conversation and made her way over, stopping next to Jim's shoulder "What happened?"

"You tell me Doc, one minute she was up, the next down" Jim responded frowning.

"Very detailed, thank you Captain" Lex barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes, something he'd obviously realised, his lips curling into a smirk, an eyebrow raised at her sarcastic response.

Ignoring him she dropped to her knees next to the ensign, pulling her tricorder and PADD from her kit to begin diagnostics.

"Hmmm your iron levels are looking a little low, seems to be a mild case of anaemia" looking up at the ensign, who seemed more embarrassed than anything else, she smiled reassuringly. "Nothing serious I'm sure, there's any number of reasons for it but I'd like to run a few more tests to be certain, please report to Med Bay"

The Ensign nodded "Yes Doctor" getting to her feet unsteadily aided by Chekov.

"Kepten, permission to escort Ensign Vatson to Med Bay?" he asked Jim quickly, the concern showing in his eyes.

"Of course Mr. Chekov" Jim nodded, smiling lightly.

Lex picked herself off the floor after packing away her kit "So Chekov and Watson eh? That's a new development"

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