Chapter Fifteen (UPDATED)

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Lex raced to answer the door as it rung for the third time in the last ten minutes, admitting another couple of Ida's friends to the already overflowing apartment. Thankfully they were already fully made up and dressed for a night out on the town, as they were all out of space for anyone else to get ready, despite the apartment being on the larger side.

Ida squealed excited to see her friends, pushing drinks into their hands and running back to her bedroom to continue curling her hair.

The doorbell rang again as Lex attempted to sit down, sighing heavily she tried to prise herself off the crowded couch, but Joanna waved her back "Don't worry I'll get it"

Shooting her friend a grateful look, Lex sank back down reaching for one of the brightly coloured shots on the table and downing it in one.

Fourteen ladies, clad in all the colours of the rainbow, chatting loudly and animatedly, already wearing their Midnight blue sashes emblazed with the words "Hen's on Tour", tottered around the apartment on heels so high Lex winced at the sight of them, which highlighted how much older than the group at large she was.

Ida wanted to go out clubbing which was Lex's idea of hell these days, she'd become far too used to cosy nights in with Bones. When she did go out drinking, usually with Jim, Uhura and others from the crew when they had shore leave, they always preferred to find a bar type venue where they could sit comfortably and drink, laughing, joking, telling stories.

The last time she'd been out on one of these sorts of nights out was back when she was stationed on Endoran with Joanna, but this was what Ida wanted to do and a good Maid of Honour gives the bride what she wants, so here she was drinking brightly coloured, overly sweet shots feeling ancient in comparison to everyone around her.

Jo strangely returned with a couple of men though it soon became apparent they were here to rescue Evan from the sea of oestrogen and drag him out for his stag do. Laughing they blindfolded him and lead him from the apartment in handcuffs, the already half cut hens cheering and screaming as they exited. Ida chased him out into the hallway screaming for him to behave which Lex thought was rather optimistic.

As soon as the door closed Ida raced back into the living room and announced "Let's get this party started"

Star Date 2261.149 / 30.05.2261

"Oh my god, just kill me now" Lex groaned, a familiar refrain following a heavy night as she stumbled into the living room in her shorts and T-Shirt.

"Seconded" Joanna muttered from the couch, also in her pyjamas, make up smeared across her face.

"Thirded" Ida added from the floor, still wearing her dress from the night before.

Lex plopped down into the nearest chair "Is that even a word?"

Yawning Ida shrugged "I don't care"

Lex pulled her legs up underneath her curling up in the foetal position on her chair hoping the world would stop spinning if she pretended it wasn't there. Peering at the other two she couldn't help feeling a little smug, she might feel like death but she was still in better shape than them, at least she'd managed to get undressed remove her makeup and make it to bed. Frustratingly due to their younger age they'd be back to normal within a few hours while Lex would continue to feel rough for the rest of the day.

The thumping of Lex's head was so loud to her that it took her a moment to realised there was a loud rhythmic racket coming from elsewhere in the apartment.

"What is all that banging?" Lex grimaced, rubbing her forehead tiredly.

"Someone's at the door" Joanna answered, staring down the hall at the front door as if hoping it would open itself.

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