Chapter Three (UPDATED)

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Star Date: 2260.166 / 14.06.2260

"Do I want to know why Nurse Flynn just ran past me into the turbo lift crying?" Jim sighed frustratedly moments after entering Med Bay.

"I'll give you three guesses, but you'll only need one" Lex muttered in response, without even looking up from the patient she was tending to, triquarter in hand.

Bones chose that exact moment to begin bellowing at another poor unfortunate nurse, the exact details of which were lost in the sheer volume his voice resonated at.

Med Bay fell silent for almost thirty seconds, as all eyes turning slowly towards the pair on the other side of the room. The scowl on the good doctor's face would make even the strongest of the security staff burst into tears. The poor, petite blonde nurse had no chance, predictably she too burst into tears and fled the room. Looking completely unrepentant, Bones muttered to himself as he turned back to her abandoned and suddenly fearful patient.

Lex sighed "He's been like this all day! I don't know who pissed in his cereal this morning but that's the third nurse he's reduced to tears. I think it's a new record"

Jim watched his friend stomping around the far end of the room, a concerned looked etched across his face "I thought he was on the early shift? He's not even supposed to be here, is he?"

She shook her head "No, Dr. Kane called in sick. I tried to tell him I could handle it, after all we're not exactly run off our feet, but he insisted on staying. He's just making things worse though, half the nursing staff have abandoned us and who could blame them"

Finishing up with her patient she assured him it was just a sprain, requiring rest and elevation but declaring him free to go. As another shout echoed through the room, he leapt off the bed, hobbling as fast as he could to the nearest exit, concerned he might be the next target in the firing line. Moving behind the partition that shielded the duty doctors' desk from the rest of Med Bay, Lex began typing her notes into her PADD, Jim at her elbow.

"Should I take him for a drink? Maybe get him out of your hair?..." He started, stopping abruptly as Lex swivelled on the spot and threw her arms around him gratefully, forgetting for a second that they were in the middle of Med Bay regardless of being separated from the rest of the crew.

Hastily she leapt backwards smoothing her uniform skirt down "Sorry Captain, but if you would I'd be so grateful. The next shift is due in an hour, and I'd love some peace and quiet in the meantime to get finished up"

Jim chuckled at her exuberant response "No need to apologise and you know I don't care about you observing rank with me when we're not on the bridge, we've known each other too long for that. I know full well what Bones can be like, though he's been particularly grumpy for a while now" Lex nodded and sighed deeply, it had been a fraught couple of months "You're one of the few members of his staff he doesn't drive to distraction on a daily basis, and the one that's known him longest. If even you're reaching the end of your tether, it would probably be wise to get him out of here"

"Jim, what are you doing here? Other than feeling up my staff that is" Bones growled, materialising next to them.

"I was not feeling up your staff as you put it, and I'm here to take you for a drink... You look like you could use it" Jim frowned, rolling his eyes at the doctor's accusation.

"A Drink? Good grief man, can't you see how busy we are" he flung his arm out behind him, gesturing to the deserted Med Bay.

"Yes well..." Jim begun slowly, glancing sideways at Lex who sighed and resisted the urge to roll her eyes "I'm sure Dr. James can handle it"

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