Chapter 28

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He woke 30 minutes before I and informed me that he would not see me for the most of the day. I sat up on the bed  and looked at his face. He seemed dull and tired. I said nothing.

He handed me a pear.

"No, thank you. They make me want to vomit." I replied.

He shrugged his shoulders.

I hated this side of him.

"That is fine." I responded with a smug. "I should meet with the shareholders. Do not be alarmed if you arrive earlier than I."

I left the bed and scurried off to the bathroom. I washed my face and decided to bathe once I reached my estate. Daniel quickly followed me and started touching me. I felt disgusted. I felt uncomfortable and undermined. As though I were there to only satisfy his pleasure. I pushed his hands away from my body.

"I am not your whore." I said angrily.

"Who's are you then? Mine or his?" He responded.

My hand unconsciously made a fist and automatically hit the lower bottom of his cheek and the beginning of his chin. The impact on his bone made a loud noise and he found himself bleeding a little and shocked that I hit him for the first time.

"You ass." I replied.

My body shook of anger and with my hands still clenched, I walked past him and left the bathroom door. He grabbed my arm and demanded that I look him in the eyes. I forced away his grasp and proceeded to the stairs. 

"Mercy!" He screamed.

No. Not this time. His charm wouldn't take hold of me. This time, we wouldn't pleasure each other as a way to apologize. I was leaving and he would lose me once and for all.

As I left the stairs and walked through the front door to leave, I found mah self tuh be light headed and blacked out soon after. No. I didn't want to be near him, feel his breath and smell his scent. But I didn't have a choice. Once I woke up, I'd have to face him again.

When I finally woke, I found myself in my bed, in my old room with a doctor checking my pulse on the right side of the bed and Daniel on the left, scruffling his hair. The doctor saw me slowly open my eyes and asked whether or not I was feeling better. I shook my head to tell him I was fine. I did not look at Daniel's face nor his eyes.

"Would you like to hear the good or bad news first?" the doctor ask.

"The bad."

I can't believe he answered "bad".

"She is under an enormous amount of stress." He told Daniel. He turned to me and asked me: "When was the last time you ate Miss?"

"A few days ago. I have no appetite." 

"What are the good news?" Daniel demanded.

"If she picks up her diet, the baby should be just fine. Congratulations, Miss Mercy. You are 7 weeks pregnant."

The room was silent. It hadn't sinked in that I was gon have a baby again. A baby for me to hold and love again. A baby mama probably would love tuh see if she was here. Tears formed in my eyes, and I found myself laughing and crying at the same time.

Daniel's eyes shimmered with joy and tried to give me a kiss. I turned my head the other way, but he disposed a kiss on my forehead.

A few minutes later, the doctor left after being escorted by Daniel to the door. Daniel came back in a few minutes later. I wiped my tears away and posed my hand on my stomach. Daniel sat next to me and neither of us said a word.

" I am sorry." He told me a few moments later. "I could not get passed your feelings for another and I allowed myself to tell you things I did not mean. I love you Mercy. More than life itself. And I will love our child even more."

I felt nothing.

He placed his hand on my stomach, but I moved it away and left the bed. He stopped me from walking away by holding my hand. He got down on his knees and put his head on my belly. He gently wrapped his arms around my waist. 

All the anger I held against him slowly drifted away. His hair stood against my corset. I ran my fingers through them and I saw the man I loved again.

"Would you like a son or daughter?" He asked me.

"A son." I told him.

" We should have a daughter." He responded. "Although, she must be very strong if she were able to withstand our rough and sensual activities." 

I laughed.

He reached into his pocket and brought out my ring. He slid it on my finger. 

We got married at the town's courthouse a few days later. We had our daughter Dhalia a year later. It was Mama's name.

I realized mama was wrong. My babe wuz born from love and consent. I had a white man love me fuh me and still could amaze me at night. I never got tuh see her. But at leas now i got uh piece of huh and the life she wished she was granted.

                                   The End.

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