Chapter 17

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"Good morning future wife." He tole me de next day, kissin me along mah back.

He already had his pants an shirt on, but ah wuz layin on de bed, naked.

"Good morning future husband." Ah responded laughin.

He grabbed mah hair an ran it through his finghuz.

"Are you happy?" He ask me, gettin up.

"Happier than de sun." Ah responded, also gettin up."Let's stay in bed today." Ah asked him, slippin mah hand in his pants.

He smiled an took mah hands out.

"I would love to." He said leanin towards me, givin mah lips uh lick then mah breats, makin me git goosebumps and then puttin uh shawl ovuh mah shoulders."But my aunt is scheduled to arrive today."

"Not even fuh uh few minutes?" Ah said gettin of de bed, an takin off de shawl, showin him mah body, tryna seduce him intuh makin love tuh me.

"My love, you've become so infatuated with me." He tole me lookin at de clock on de wall."Maybe we do have a few minutes."

He pushed me ontuh de bed, and started kissin me all ovuh mah chest, mah arms, mah stomach an finally ready tuh give me what ah wanted. But he decided tuh stop.

"No, not now, We can't. we have to get ready." He tole me helpin me off de bed an puttin de shawl on me again." She is scheduled to arrive in the next 30 minutes."

He put on de nicest shirt de most polished pants he had, tied his hair an put on his shoes. He put on some uh his cologne an shaved his beard wid his razor. Ah started tuh really like dat beard. He hurried me tuh go tuh mah room and git ready. Ah dropped de shawl, showin him whut he wuz givin up. He smiled an continued tuh shave his beard. Ah walked tuh mah room, bathed an put on an orange fitted dress, pulled up mah hair in an updo, put on simple jewelry, some red lipstick an put on some hibiscus scented perfume.

Ah lef mah room an went tuh de first floor, boiled some tea an made some quick biscuits. Daniel followed me downstairs soon aftuh.

"Smells good, and you look stunning." He said grabbin an apple and sittin on de couch in de livin room.

Ah walked ovuh an layed mah hid on his lap. He took uh bite uh his apple an gave me uh kiss. Ah felt his toungue in mah mouth, touchin mine an de chunk uh apple get intuh mah mouth. Ah chewed de chunk an swallowed it. He took his mouth away and bit mah bottom lip, leavin it tuh bleed uh lil. He took anothuh bite uh de apple, and did de same agin, only dis time, puttin his hand unduh mah dress. Ah stopped his hand.

"Your aunt could be here any second." Ah tole him mockin him.

He laughed an kissed me again, but ain't take his hand out. He made his hand git past mah undergarments an stickin his finguhz in. He had 2 uh dem in me, an made me moan as loud as ah could. He'd tell me he loved tuh hear me moan,

Cuz tuh him, it wuz real pleasant Ah started tuh unbutton his pants an took himself out tuh rub, but he wouldn't let me do it. He wanted his finghuz inside me only, so I left him alone an buttoned his pants up agin. De first layer uh mah undergarment became wet. He started unbuttonin mah corset an wuz rubbin on mah nipples. Dat made mah second layer be wet. Ah grabbed his apple, took uh chunk an he leaned in tuh give me his kiss. Ah felt his tongue in mine an he kept his finghuz inside me. He ain't want tuh take em out.

"Knock. Knock. Knock."

As fast as lightnin, he took his finghuz outta me, ran tuh go wash his hands an wiped mah lipstick of his lips. Ah wuz fascinated at how quick he got all uh dat done. Ah looked intuh de mirror an fixed mah self. We both opened de door, an saw an olduh woman standin der, wid uh black man nex tuh her. She wuz an olduh woman, not tuh old, look lak she wuz in huh mid tuh late forties. She wuz real pretty. She had long curly blond hair, milky skin an a real nice eyes. De man nex tuh huh was tall, dark an less handsome dan she wuz. But he had de kind uh presence dat showed authority.

He scared me a lil.

"Come in." Daniel said tuh de both uh dem.

Dey both went intuh de livin room an sat on de couch we got busy on an dat made me blush. Ah went tuh de kitchen an gabbed de tea an biscuits an brought it ovuh to de livin room.

"She's pretty, Daniel." She said tuh him but lookin at me. "Prettier than most women." She said studying mah face.

Ah tried not lookin at huh de bes ah could. De man sat real close tuh he, seemin lak he wanted tuh hold huh han, but seem lak he wuz fraid uh what we would think. Ah thanked de woman fuh huh compliment.

"How are your preparations coming along?" He asked her.

"Perfect. We should be done in a month or so." She said smilin at de man an holdin his hand.

"Have you spoken to Oliver?" He asked again.

"Oh, dear. Your brother is such an idiot sometimes. I cannot begin to tell you the words he said towards me and not to mention you!" She responded takin tea an uh biscuit off de tray.

He laughed an smiled at me.

"Stunning." She said tuh me."It was his grandmother's."

Ah realized she wuz talkin bout de ring. Ah smiled cuz ah ain't know what tuh do.

Ah realized dat it wuz uh conversation between nephew an aunt an de colored folks said much tuh nothin.

"Have you thought of your wedding?" She ask me.

"Not yet." Ah said, uncertain uh what tuh say.

"Understandable. All in time." She tole me. "Daniel, give me a moment please?" She asked.

Dey went off intuh de library an lef me an de intense man alone in de livin.

Dey spent close tuh 30 minutes in der, and when dey came out, she said she wuz leavin cuz she had things tuh attend tuh. She lef wid de man shortly aftuh. Once de door closed, ah ain't hesitate tuh ask him.

"What y'all talk bout in there?" Ah ask him.

"Nothing of importance." He said in return. He started walkin de steps, so ah followed him tuh see what wuz goin on.

He stopped in front uh his door and blocked me from goin in.

"You should sleep in your room tonight, Mercy." He said.

"Mah room? I thought mah room wuz wherever you where." Ah tole him.

"Yes---but not tonight."

He went in an closed de door tuh me.


Daniel/Mr. Williams' POV

"Daniel, give me a moment please?" She asked me.

My aunt was known throughout my family for coming into the personal matters of others.

We went into my library and she took a seat and took no time to question me.

"How many times do you bed her?"

I was baffled.

"I do not feel comfortable sharing such information with you, Aunt."

"That often?" She responded. "Do not act so innocent, nephew. I saw the bite marks on her lower lip and that it bled."

I took a seat at my desk.

"What is your purpose in askin? If I may ask."

"You cannot bed her too often. I purchased a very common book that states the more you bed your wife in a day or week, the less you shall be able to conceive. Do you not want children of your own?" She asked me.

I stayed quiet. Of course I did. I didn't bed her just for the feel of it.

"Of course you want the children she bears. I see the way you look at her. But if you do not satisfy your hunger for her, she may not have them."

She made more and more sense the more I listened. I never gave her body the chance to breathe. I bedded her 2 times daily, and it made sense for me to slow down.

My aunt left shortly after our conversation.

I had to ignore her no matter how she'd resent me for it.

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