Chapter 7

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Ah ain't ever sleep so comfortable. When ah open man eyes, I realized mah  body turned opposite uh what it wuz de previous night and ah also looked at de wide open eyes uh de man ah shared uh bed with. His eyes wuz open, looked lak he wuz starin at me sleep. When ah realized he really euz star in at me, ah got scared and wanted tuh get off de bed, but mah body stayed still. De sunlight in his dark green eyes, made it look lak a sea blue, he had thin pale lips, a scuffled beard, milky skin, and soft lookin light brown hair. Ah wanted tuh stop lookin, but I couldn't. He wuz majestic. We ain't speak uh nothing, we just looked at each otha. Ah looked at his face so much, ah could paint you picture. But mah picture shattered when he got up, an left de bed.

He put his shirt an boots back on. I got up too. Ah just stood bah de bed, not darin to look at his face. Suddenly, de door swung open, and Mas'r Z came in clappin wid de biggest grin.

"How was she?" He asked the man.

Mr. Williams looked at me and then at Mas'r Z.

"She was perfect." He said wid a smile.

Mas'r  Z let out a laugh.

"I knew it! I knew she couldn't be this pretty for no reason. I knew all that pretty couldn't be wasted on a nigger for nothin."

He laughed more in delight.

"Mister Williams, I will have a carriage outside ready for your departure."

He shook Mr. Williams' hands and left de room. Mr. Williams approached me with slow steps. I wuz gettin skeered he might uh done somethin.

"Goodbye." He said.

Part uh me ain't want him tuh leave.

Before ah even got tuh say it back, he left.

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