Chapter 22

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When ah woke up, ah wuz still wrapped in bandages. Mah vision wuz still blurry, but at leas ah wuz still alive. Ah woke up thinkin bout Daniel; whut he wuz doin, if he wuz searchin fuh me---if anythin.

"You're lucky to be alive, young lady." Uh voice said.

Ah couldn't see who it wuz. He came ovuh tuh me an opened mah eyes tuh check em.

"You should have your vision back in a day or 2. There's no need to worry."

"Who are you?" Ah ask.

"Oh, please excuse my rudeness. I am Mr. Carlisle's personal doctor: Doctor John Arthur. He asked me to look after you. He should be visiting later on in the day."

Mr. Carlisle?

"You're probably wondering who Mr. Carlisle is. Well, he is a sickly older gentleman. About 68, I should say. He is a widow and has never had the chance to have offspring. He took a liking to you, young lady." Anothuh voice said.

"Mr. Carlisle's attorney. My name is Jonathan Grey." De voice said.

Ah likin? Ah wasn't gonna be uh ole man's whore. Ah'd rathuh die by de hands uh de Klu Klux Klan. Ah wanted Daniel. Only him. Ah wanted him evrywhere ah went, an even more between mah legs. Ah missed him lovin me, inside me an kissin me.

Slowly, ah heard de door creak open an a coughin man came in.

"Is she alright?" He asked de doctor.

"Yes. She is slowly recovering. She will have her complete vision in the morning."

"What is your name young lady?" He ask me.

"M-Mercy Peters." Ah responded not sure who ah wuz talkin tuh.

"Beautiful." He said. "Mercy Peters, I plan on making you my adopted daughter."

His what? Me? I'm black, he white--how could ah evuh be his daughter?

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