Update (A/N)

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Hello hello! Long time no see my dear readers.
I figured I'd give a bit of a life update as well as an update for the book.
When I last updated this story with the discontinuing notice, I was starting my senior year of high school, I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship with a child predator, and entered another bad relationship with someone who I met in a psych ward. So yeah. I was going through some serious stuff last year about that time.
As far as where I am now, I graduated high school with distinction, got accepted to college and am now enrolled in my local university as an honors college student and studying what I've always wanted to. I'm in a new, better, and HEALTHY (very important) relationship and I'm in a better spot mentally.
I've not had much time to play my favorite video games, left 4 dead included, in a very long time. I may start to update this book again when I have the time, do part twos to some stuff, write highly requested 'x readers' and the like. But I will go ahead and say that I'd appreciate it if everyone would please be patient. I'm coming up on finals in a month and this semester has been a huge adjustment for me and I need to focus on not failing my precalculus class. I'll update when I have the time.
However, I'm finding more time for some of my favorite things, such as left 4 dead, again. Drop your steam username if you'd like to play with me sometime! My user is Solaria and the picture is a Phoenix. If I accept you, you'll know who I am.
For now, I'm signing off. I thought y'all deserved an explanation and an update saying I'm not dead!
Goodbye for now,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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