A/N and Requests

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Hey guys, Katie here.
Sorry for being dead for like a week I think it's been now..?
I've been super busy with band/school stuff and I'm super exhausted all the time, so that's why updates have been a little slow lately.
Don't worry, this book is still very much alive and it will stay alive until Left 4 Dead is irrelevant (so, like never), but I just want you to know that updates will be a bit slow until about March, especially with our band's wind ensemble (that I am a member of) being invited to a concert band competition, it's a huge deal.
With that said, I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading and commenting and voting and everything. It means the world to me that you guys like the content I'm putting out. Please continue to request fics and give me feedback on said stories, it helps me to improve my writing!!
Thank you so much for everything!
With that said, please feel free to request new fics in the comments of this chapter or others, let me know what you want to see!!
The second part of the Smoker x Reader is coming, as is another Ellis x Reader and maybe a possible Francis x Reader!!
Thanks guys!

~much love, the author<3

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