Before. (Nick x Reader)

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   The sound of gunshots echoed throughout the carnival we found ourselves in. I found the place to be quite nostalgic, despite having never been to Whispering Oaks before the apocalypse hit. Seeing it in shambles was enough to bring back memories of county fairs I used to attend as a child. It was hard now to imagine anything before this apocalypse. I let my lips be pulled up into a small, but sad, smile as I walked around, letting my eyes wander over what once was, apparently, KiddieLand. I was pulled from my thoughts, however, by one of my teammates clearing his throat.
   "So are we going to get moving, or are you going to stand there all night staring at nothing?" Nick asked.
   What a smartass.
   I rolled my eyes, chuckling a bit under my breath. I sighed.
   "Sorry, got lost in my own thoughts."
   He nodded, and turned swiftly to keep walking. I kept up, staying beside him as we continued on, trying to get to the next safe house. The rest of the team walked a few feet ahead of us, leaving Nick and I in the back, silent.
Or rather, it was silent, until he spoke suddenly.
   "So, what was it that had you so distracted back there?"
   I glanced over at him, my lips tugging up into a smile, almost sadly.
   "My childhood. I've never been here before, but the place got me thinking about the memories I have at fairs just like this one was like. It reminded me that things used to be normal, that there was a time before the apocalypse, y'know? It's just been so long since things have been normal that I had almost forgotten that there was anything to life besides trying to get to the next safe house and oh god I'm rambling," I chuckled, my voice trailing off.
   He nodded, somewhat understandingly.
   "I know whatcha mean. It's been what, two, three weeks? Hell if I can remember. The only thing we've been doing since the world went to shit is surviving."
    I hummed in response, letting myself think and my eyes wander to the ground for a moment before my mind went somewhere I wish it hadn't.
   "Nick, do you miss what it was like before.. before all this?" I gestured to the world around us, to the carnival in shambles.
   To the dead bodies on the ground and to the guns and empty bullet shells littering the floor.
   "Of course I do, don't you?"
   "What do you think will happen when we die? When there's nobody else around to miss us? Before, I had family and friends.. they'd miss me. But now I'm alone, we're alone I mean, so what happens when I die and I'm forgotten? Do we simply not exist at all anymore?" I let myself rant, thoughts and anxieties spilling from my mouth until I was shut up by a tight grip on my shoulders and the feeling of lips on mine.
   When I ran out of air I pulled away, staring up into Nick's eyes.
   "It doesn't matter who you had before, sweetheart. We have eachother now, and I can say in confidence you have at least one person who'd mourn ya." He smiled down at me.
   I sighed, smiling as well and taking his hand in my own as we walked along to the next safe house.

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